College is all about what you make up it. If you ahow up prepared and confident then you will do fine. Make new freinds and balance a social life with classwork. Learn a schedule that works for you and stick to it with self disipline. Don't let peep presure keep you from reaching your goals, set goals and strive to acheive them to have a sucessful college experience. Remember, classes are the reason you are in school and grades are your number one priority, so keep focused and reach hight to acomplish what you desire, prepare for a carreer as much and as early as you can by attending carreer fairs and mach interviews. Keep in touch with area employers and strive to get an internship by your third year to increase your chances of earning a great rewarding job soon after graduation. Keep to these points of advice and keep yourself focused and you should do fine and have a self rewarding and enjoyable experience.
Find one that fits you (student) dont choose where friends are going or where your parents want you to go. Take time ti figure out which one best fits ur needs.
First of all, make sure its a college THEY want to go to, and stands up to their standards and needs in order to choose the 'right' college. Secondly, make sure it seems like a school where learning is important, and not just partying. When you've chosen a school, make sure you make use of the facilities your college has to offer, such as the library, recreation center, study centers, etc, because they have them available for a reason. Getting involved with school spirit activies is also important, and helps out a lot with feeling a sense of belonging.
I feel that knowing yourself or you child would be the best for finding an appropriate college for them. Campus's are often geared towards different social lifes and majors. Some students might not like larger campus's while others will hate smaller campus's. Finding one that fits your needs and price range will give you the best experience overall and make you feel a part of the campus.
When it comes to finding the right college and making the most of the experience, it's important to be true to yourself. Visiting different colleges and interacting with students there is a great way to really get a feel for the environment. It's tempting to follow your high school friends to the college of their choice, but you really must think about what is going to be best for you in the end. It's important to figure out what you want to study, whether you want a busy social environment or a quiet campus. It's also very important to be open to new people, ideas, and things. Going away to college is probably one of the biggest culture shocks a person can receive, but it's really a good thing! Sometimes being away from home can be scary, but the best way to deal with it, is to just try new things! Sushi anyone?