My university inspires a great amount of diversity - be it ethnically or academically. Students are able to take course unrelative to each other, as to secure their occupational dreams and capture interest in a deeper and more reassuring way. The University of Arizona offers endless amounts of opportunity to anyone wanting to study anything; if my university cannot physically hand you opportunity, they will present you with a location at which you can seek out accomplishing your specific goals. My university inspires happiness, fulfillment and success.
I brag about the amazing professors we get to learn with and how they make you feel like there is no problem to go ahead and approach them with whatever questions I have. Also, the wide variety of classes I get to choose from that are so fascinating and I still learn what I need to for my future career and major. How I feel safe being on campus and nothing can hurt me because of the UofA Police Department always being around. And the best place in campus would be our 5 story library where we have 24hr. access.
The University of Arizona offers an extensive list of majors to choose from. I've experienced that eventhough it is such a big place it is easy to talk to any dean, advisor, academic professional. The University of Arizona has a great location in my city. It's a school with a lot of spirit and very international. Students have excellent chices for study either on campus or abroad in some other nation of interest and related to your career, making it fun and exceptional to learn languages with people from that culture or history where it happened.
Some of my professors who are actually there to teach me stuff and care less about the research and more about the students.
Our football team made it to another bowl game again! And our school helped with the mars research team!
The newly remodled rec center, most of the new machines have personal TVs on them.
Many of the students that lived in my community attended a community college. Thus I am one of the few who ended up being enrolled at a university. Strangly I find myself bragging about the hardships such as the work load, complexity of the material, and all the stress that comes along with it. When you think of someone bragging you think of positive situations but In reality these hardships are a positive maybe not in the short run, but in the long run. The University of Arizona will allow me to gain indepencey, and skills needed for success.
The environment of the University of Arizona is a thing to brag about because of the intertwined city and country life, which creates the idealistic place to study and have fun. It's the best of both worlds.
The University of Arizona was the very first university for the state of Arizona. We also have some of the top research facilities in the nation, as well as one of the top medical schools in the nation. To add, the medical school here at the Universtiy of Arizona was the only one in the state for a long period of time. Here at the University we have some of the best and most long-lasting traditions, some of which are Bear Down Friday's, and the rivalry between us and Arizona State. President Barack Obama came here!
I brag about my teachers. Before I came to the U of A, people told me the class sizes are huge (True) and the teachers don't care (False). I'm sure some teachers do not care but I have been extremely fortunate to find the classes run by professors who do care. All of my teachers thus far care very passionately for their work and desire to impart their knowledge unto me with that same passion. I have only found teachers whose first priority is teaching at the U of A.