If someone wants to attend college they should go for it, the basic requirements are all the same. College takes someone who isn't afraid of working hard to get what they want. So anyone who is willing to work hard , has determination, and perseverence will make it anywhere, inculding the College of Idaho.
Any person who have the desire to achieve success through effort/hard work and some passion in whatever area they would like to know more about can attend this school. The University of Arizona seems warm to American Standards. There is diversity throught campus in the sense that one gets to see people from all over the world. However, in terms of numbers most people have an ancestry from Europe (more than two generations back usually). For optical engineering this institution is one of the best places of the world to be in.
A person who is laid back and wants to have fun should attend this school. If you are OK with wearing flipflops and sunglasses every day to class, then this is the school for you. It's a blast to go to UofA and there's tons of stuff to do in Tucson. If you're more interested in academics than fun, the university has a great nursing, pharmacy, optics, and engineering, business and law programs.
At the University of Arizona a student should be able to venture out into the campus willing to find their purpose to fulfill in life. Someone who is school spirited and knows how to pump up other students with their dedication to their school. People who attend the University have fallen in love with the atmosphere other students have shed off onto them. It is a University that is known for school pride. It's a campus for students who see the beauty in being a Wildcat- academically, by spirit, and experience.
When I walk around campus, I don't see one kind of person. Many of the people I have talked to have an end goal that they're working towards, whether it be doctor, engineer, or English teacher. I also have talked to people who are taking a multitude of elective classes just trying to figure out their path in life. I wouldn't say that one person is more suitable than another. The nice thing about attending a large university is that it really is for everybody.
I feel that the student that will be most sucessful at the University of Arizona is someone who is self reliant and does not depend on others to become motivated. I feel that the most sucessful people will also be outgoing and interseted in becoming involved around campus. The school is so large that connectivity is one of the only ways to feel at home on campus. It is easy to feel lost in the crowd and by participating in clubs or greek life, and not waiting for others to tell you to do so, you feel right at home.
I believe that the University of Arizona is one of the best schools out there. While studies are the primary focus of most students here, we all seem to enjoy group activities. This includes sitting around in the Union having a debate. Students here also rally around the sports teams and LOVE a good rivalry. But, remember to bring your shorts. If you do NOT like temperatures above 100 degrees for more than 5 months out of the year...look elsewhere.
Someone interested in Greek life or football should attend this school, as most of the undergraduate students spend time doing both. Someone interested in research would love this school as well, as the University of Arizona is very reserach-based. Someone interested in business or health medicine would do well at this school, as we have very good programs in both.
The University of Arizona is a college for people that appreciate a large campus, and a large amount of students. It is, in fact, one of the biggest colleges in this nation. It makes things interesting, as there are different kinds of people you can meet and interact with. People that love the hot and dry desert climate, enjoy beautiful scenic hikes, and appreciate breathtaking sunsets with palm tree silhouettes should definitely consider this college.
I think an outgoing passionate student should attend the University of Arizona. Someone who wants to get involved, and likes school spirit. It is very important that the student be able to manage in large lecture style classrooms. The student needs to be self motivated and be able to balance their social life, along with there academics. There is little individual attention unless the student seeks it outs by attending office hours. It is very easy to succeed aslong as you stay focused and stay motivated. Noone will be there to hold your hand, it is a big public university.