Anyone who has a deep desire to learn should attend this school. There are multiple and rewarding opportunities to take advantage of every day. The U of A is also a place where someone who is interested in research should go; we are one of the leading research universities in the nation. I believe any and all types of people should attend the U of A, because all are welcome here.
The person that should attend the Univeristy of Arizona would love the sunny environment. Not only the good weather. People in Tucson, Arizona are friendly, especially to their U of A students. You will always make friends. I am a local Tucsonian, and spent two years at community college. I made very few friends there. Community College was made for people with full time jobs to go to school and get there degrees quickly. The Univeristy of Arizona allows you to really participate in the campus, and spend time with your peers to forge real long lasting relationships.
I say to every person interested in starting continuing or expanding on any career The University of Arizona has the quality to offer you great opportunities.
I think that there is no limitations as to who should attend the Univeristy of Arizona. I believe if its in a person's will and if they have the drive to have a successful career in a college enviroment, they will have what it takes to attend and graduate from the Univesity of Arizona.
Anyone who is open-minded will fit in well at this school. If you come to school with just graduation as your goal, then your experience at school will be dull. The best part about UA is the journey, not necessarily the destination. There is so much diversity and so many opportunities on campus that everyone will find their niche. The best way to get the most out of your university experience is to try new things. The experiences that come with taking risks, being adventurous, and becoming involved on campus can be just as rewarding as getting your degree!
An academically qualified, diversely talented, community & globally-minded, person with a focus and drive towards excellence in academia, who is conscientiously aware that their acheivements and research can and will benefit humanity when put to good use. Also, an individual who realizes that there is more to a college education that the monetary potentials & community status some degrees afford, and rather that the foundation of a well-rounded and diverse human being is education.
Every kind of person should attend this school, bubbly, smart, active students. Anyone who wants to meet new friends or just get invovled with the Wildcats.
Any and all kinds of people are generally welcomed at the University of Arizona by both administration and most students.
A well rounded individual should attend the Univerisity of Arizona. My reasoning for this is that the University of Arizona provides so many opportunities for virutally every type of person. The current students at the University of Arizona are they type that work hard and have goals, but at the same time lead a healthy social life and participate in the numerous extracurricular activities provided by the University. Therefore a person who wishes to attend the University of Arizona should be outgoing, hardworking, and an active student outside of the classroom.
University can be defined as an environment of people who share the same goal of obtaining success. Success is a universal aspect in life. There are no rules as to who can be successful and what quailties an individual should have. Therefore anyone who wants success should attend this school. Black, white, tall, short, disabled-it doesn't matter. Because of the diversity level each and every person who attends the University of Arizona brings something different to the university creating a well rounded college and environment for not only the student body to enjoy, but the whole Arizona community.