A person that focuses more on their social life, rather then academics.
I don't think there is a particular type of person that should attend the University of Arizona. I believe that all types are welcome because its there educatin that they came to recieve. If that person is ready to learn about bout different topics, cultures, political and non-political views and is open to the knowledge that these professors are going to teach, then they are welcome to attend this fine university.
Someone who wants to enjoy the warm weather in a relatively liberal, mostly safe community.
Mostly this school I would say is for anyone who is interested in any science majors since this is the only campus with a huge science buildings.
This school is for everyone who wants a good education but also wants to have a social life. There is something for everyone as far as clubs, sororites/fraternities, and other social outlets. Anyone can attend this school because it has a lot to offer.
The U of A student is someone who enjoys a lot of school spirit, participating in some sort of extracirricular activity, and has plenty of time to dedicate to their schoolwork. They need to be ready to be active on campus and balance successfully their schoolwork, social life, community service work, and any clubs or service groups in which they want to join. There are a vast amount of groups and clubs for people to join depending on their interests, beliefs, major, and many other things. A U of A student loves their school!
Most of the people that I have met live an active life. There are many opportunities to go hiking in Tucson, so it makes it an easy and fun weekend activity. Also, there is a great free-life lifestyle atmosphere here, including the many shops on 4th Avenue. A lot of people from California attend the university, so it creates some diversity. However, if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen (in this case, Tucson)!
I think anyone that has the desire to better their lives should attend this school. Absolutely no one should be denied a higher education that is willing and driven. I understand my school does support underpriveledged family, including one at the school of business called the Arizona Refugee Connection.
any person that is willing to give his/her maximum will be accepted and will have chance to succsess
A person who likes the heat and doesn't mind being around a lot of people.