University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Arizona?


Each year the University accepts more students (40,000+), yet the school does not have the budget to create more classes. Psychology is a very popular major, and as a senior I was not able to register for the courses I needed to graduate. I always had difficulty registering for psychology courses through my college career at this school, so eventually I switched majors because I was wasting my time. Also at the same time they gain more students, they are reducing the amount of parking available throughout campus. This is extremely frustrating.


For me the most frustrating thing about this school is it's location. I grew up in Phoenix and therefore all my friends and family live there., but that's not the school's fault. Other than that, this school is perfect. Unfortunately, that's a big frustration.


Cannot afford out-of-state tuition and cannot get help to pay for tuition.


The streets surrounding the school are terrible and have a ton of holes. There are a lot of homeless people


The way registration works. It is impossible to get classes and organize a schedule.


My most frustrating thing at the moment is my english class. My 'professor' is very vague and somewhat disorganized. I feel that the class can be very unproductive which is a waste of my time


I feel like some classes are too easy and some are too hard. It needs to be balenced out. Last semester, I had a professor who taught concepts that were to difficult for a Gen. Ed. class. The U of A needs to find a system that will have the classes and material be challenging but also understandable.


In the summer is it a 100 degrees or more. It's a pain getting from class to class in the heat. Also that Frat life is a little too strong here.


the weather in Tucson, AZ.

