University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Arizona?


Academic advisors are not always helpful, especially when dealing with extreme situations


finals week


They are currently undergoing a transformation. It is quite frustrating because I can't plan my exit-strategy when courses may or may not be offered because of it. The transformation and communication about it are the most frustrating thing about the school.


U of A is a huge school, so registering for classes can sometimes be difficult. Generally, however, if you register on time, you get the classes you want.


Registering for classes is so difficult. There are never any classes available at it is too many students in a class. I am a Junior, who registers after the senior, and did not get any of my necessary classes.


Lack of public transportation from where I live and high parking fees.


I hate that classes are so hard to get into. It is not fair that students are forced to pay high tuition rates and not be able to get into classes that they need.


That everything is more expensive.


Partiers from California that only attend the school for one or two years. The general science classes very much try to "weed people out." They are graded too harshly for what they are.


The most frustrating thing about my school would be its overall accessibility to faculty because of its size. It is more difficult for me to interact with a professor one-on-one because class sizes are so large. I find it difficult to meet with most professors because their office hours do not coincide with my schedule. The increasing tuition prices are also frustrating because a main reason I chose to attend UA was because I got a substantial scholarship.