Sometimes financial aid is late, so you can't get everything you need before school. The burser does open your account up to $1000 to get books and supplies at the bookstore but there are other things you need before school and it is frustrating when financial aid does not show up on time.
Financial aid people are little help. Signing up for classes can be frusterating because you can't get the classes you want sometimes
At times, different colleges and schools have trouble communicating and coordinating activities and student events . More communication between all deans and administrators would be helpful.
After the first six months of school here at the University of Arizona, I realized the most frustrating aspect of college was changing my high school habits. The professors expect a much higher level of involvement and effort from the students that was not expected during high school. I noticed this change especially in the English Department. Now when I write essays I have to have at least four drafts and each draft may be changed compelelty from the prior. Although this was frustrating at first, I believe that this change was necessary for my success in the future.
There is larger class sizes now and less classes eligible to students due to budget cuts. This makes it much more difficult to get into required classes before graduation.
I am a non-traditional student with a preschool age child at home. The most frustrating thing for me is the absence of childcare available at school and the cost of childcare available in my community. If the school provided reduced-rate childcare for my child, my stress level would be reduced, my productivity would increase, and I believe the quality of my schoolwork would also increase. The availability for assistance and guidance for non-traditional commuter students is hard to find as well.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the cost of attendance and how expensive everything is on campus. For people who are first generation to attend a university and from minorities familities the cost is exceptionally high. Although there is financial aid the cost can put much burden and strain on people from this backgrounds. Beign in college is expensive and the high cost discourages many people to persue higher education and for those who do it takes alot of effort and comitment to finish school. The most frustration thing about my school is the cost.
one thing that frustrate me a lot is that the Business College doesnt have enough study area for student. we have a big study room on the 1st floor but it is not quiet enough. there are some individual rooms on 3rd & 4th floor but it would be wounderful if there are more rooms that we can use especially there are a lot of presentation when it comes to a business class.
The classes are very large, and it is difficult for the professors to provide persona feedback. Very few students seem to be academically orientated.
In terms of my perspective, the most frustrating thing about my school would be adjusting to the presence of classmates from different financial backgrounds. Growing up, I was not surrounded by wealth and the chance to splurge on material items. Being in presence of this lifestyle is nothing I am used to because a majority of the students I see are Anglo and a part of the upper-class society. I am still working on accepting the different lifestyles people have growing up, but I strongly wish that money didn't drive the personality and needs of young adults.