University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Arizona?


The most frustrating things about the university is the crowds of students at the beginning of each semester and trying to get into all the classes you want. I've had to show up on the first day of class and get teacher approval to be admitted to some classes before.


There is nothing I can think of that frustrates me about my school. I absolutely love it here.


Nothing really


To me, the most frustrating thing about the University of Arizona is the fact that the university does not yet run on the + and - system for grading. It is frustrating to me because even if you work hard and receive a borderline grade, your GPA will reflect the same grade as someone who hardly acheived that letter grade.


The most frustrating issue at the University of Arizona is money there is always a fee for any little thing that is necessary and that will get me a step closer to my educational goal. In order to recieve financial aid you must first get accepted into a college but, in order to do this a student needs money to take a GRE exam and application fee and parking fees this is what is most frustrating about my current situation i am a father of Three and first generation to attend a college I am trying to better my future.


The Honors college because they make us pay a $250 fee but hardly offer any benefits. They often drop some of their honors courses and you have to go out of your way to take them because not that many are offered. Also, it is not very selective and it does not mean that much to be in the UA Honors college. They may boast that they offer the cheapest printing and students can check out books for 6 months, but it's not worth the $250 per semester.


Large class sizes that seem somewhat impersonal and that the advisors really don't give the more accurate or help advice while advising students throughout their college career.


Financial Aid seems to be unpredictable. There are too many seperate entities to deal with.


The Math Department and faculty could be more helpful in conveying the lessons to the students.


The University of Arizona is a large college composed of over 30,000 students. Due to this, the size of lectures and classes is quite high, especially during students' initial years in general education courses. The size of these courses is somewhat frustrating, but the increasing size of upper division courses is truly frustrating. During registration, many professors will allow an excessive number of students into their courses at the cost of individualized attention and, sometimes, outside fo the seating allocation per room. Because of state and nation-wide education cuts, the rising tuition costs does not counteract this problem.