University of Arizona Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known about the many undergoing changes my school was going to face after the budget cuts came into play in Arizona. They greatly affected our educational systems and opportunities and is now making it more difficult to receive an adequate amount of money in order to progress through our academic year without worrying about financial struggles.


I wish I had known how big the campus was. I wish I had known all the help that is availible for students. I wish I had known that most of the Professors were grad students


What classes I could handle and which ones that I shouldn't have taken. I took a class that I was not prepared for and my GPA suffered as a result.


How much the school emphasizes and values greek life.


I wish i knew how hard it is to pull your grades back up from a slump, its easy to get distracted. Compared to highschool, you actually have to work hard. You really can't procrastinate as much its not so easy to just skate by. If I knew that coming into college, my grades would be much better now.


I wish I had known about dual credit classes. I would have taken some in high school to get further ahead in college.


I wish I would have known how hard it was going to be to meet people since its such a big school and I wish I would have known more about education in Arizona and how so much money is getting cut from the school systems.


I had wished that I had known the type of overall school system that I would have to participate in, inside my college. I did not know that such strict policies would be in place for my major Computer Science.


I wish I had figured out what Major I wanted to do because then I could graduate earlier.


I wish I had known about the brusqueness of the west coast style of life. Also, I wish I had known how difficult it was to change majors and still stay on track for graduation. As well, I wish I knew how much costs there are in addition to tuition.