Money should not be the constricting factor for students looking into colleges and universities. It is amazing how much aid goes unclaimed every year, and so students need to take initiative in applying for scholarships broadly (in the local, national and internation arenas) and also promptly filling out their FAFSA form. A student should look for a college with an atmosphere that they are comfortable in, a setting that provides the student with interesting things to do in their spare time without distracting them from their studies, and of course a school that offers the programs the student is interested in. It is a bad idea for a student to choose a campus just based on their on-campus housing or the prevalence of fraternities/sororities etc., because those are factors that will have a minimal impact on the student's overall college-experience. A student should look for a place where he or she safe, comfortable and accepted and where learning can be fostered and personal growth can occur, that is what a student should get out of a college or university experience.
In high school, I chose to only apply to the UCs and not to any privates. My mind was set on UC Davis as it's one of the best UCs for a Biological Sciences student.
When acceptance letters came out, I was surprised to find that I had been accepted by most schools I had applied to. Moreover, I had gotten into my dream school UCD and everyone else's dream school...UCLA. I felt so much pressure from everyone to choose UCLA. Nobody could understand why I would want to go to Davis when I had gotten into such a prestigious school. But in my mind, I knew I wouldn't be happy anywhere but UCD.
It's crucial to visit each campus with your family before you make your decision. Try to imagine yourself as a part of the campus, and even attend a few lectures. Talk to the students, and even take advice from everyone. However, when it comes down to making the decision, go with your gut. Consider what everyone has told you, but do NOT let anyone influence you. After all, you're the one who has to live with your decision.
Find a college that best suits your interests. UC Davis for example, has a strong agricultural background and in high school, I was involved with FFA and i figured that alot of students here would be interested in agiculture as well. The UC Davis campus was just the right size for me because I knew I wanted a very large campus. To gain the best college experience possible, I HIGHLY reccomend living in the dorms your freshman year because it's one of the best experiences i ever had and you gain your first group of friends here and you may choosse to live with them in your sophmore year.
Find a universtiy/college that fits your needs. Make sure that the program you want to get into fits your needs. The professors are well trained and are very intellectual. The school meets all the students demands academically and personally. The school provides awesome financial aid assistance. The environment and nearby cities provide a great atmosphere to go to during the weekends. The school has an awesome gym to go to as well as providing excellent extracurricular activities. Also make sure the school has a big parking lot. Make sure the size of the school isn't too overwhelming but overall the school is a place that feels like home.
Make sure you choose a college that has all of the tools necessary for succeeding after college. College is designed to help students find careers after college in addition to exploring other options.
Understand what type of person you are before applying.
Don't go for quantity or looks, go for quality. Trust me.
Find some place that fits your health condition the best then find yourself the right major. ask around or check online about everything in that school while take tours in the school
Definitely make sure to choose an area where you would feel most comfortable and at home. Students don't need to go into college knowing exactly what they want to do, colleges offer a wide range of classes so student should explore them and figure out what they truly enjoy doing the most! School should be as stressful as everyone makes it out to be, you can study hard but still have fun at the same time. Don't let the stresses of grades get to you, the important thing is that you do your very best and try to actually engage in learning. Maybe you'll actually come to find that learning can really be kind of fun!
The best advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college would be to really determine what the student wants out of life. It doesn't have to be able what career they want to pursue but rather about their interests even if they do not wish to pursue a career in it. Each college is known for something, for example, my school is the number one school for veterinary medicine. The school itself is an agricultural school. I have an interest in pursuing a career as a veterinarian but if I were to change my career path, I have all these other options because the school is focused on agriculture and animals. Just do a lot of research and there will always be that one school that's perfect for each student.