University of California-Davis Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Davis know before they start?


When visiting the campus for a tour, check to see if major-specific tours are available. These unique tours focus more on the resources that pertain directly to your student and can be more beneficial in choosing the correct school. Overall, any college can provide a great experience. It just depends on the mindset of the student.


Visit a lot of college and look for one that just feels right. That is the school you should go to!


Finding the College that is best for you such being able to feel welcomed, knowing what you want, and knowing if the place is the right place for you. Get involve, be social and go out there and explore in order to have a good experiece in college.


The right college is not just one that has the highest prestige. It is a place where you can find your identity and blossom into the unique individual you are to become. College itself is a journey in life. You gain knowledge, and wisdom, and you learn from your mistakes. It is here that I realized what was important in my life. This is where my dreams will become an actuality. Everything I have dreamt of becoming will be possible because of this journey. College is also where you learn to fend for yourself and become a responsible adult. You can have fun here, but you have to pay attention to school and work as well. College teaches you to balance your life and bring all the different parts of it into harmony. Your college experience is your defining journey. It is something that will stick with you for the rest of your life. It is supposed to be meaningful because of what it brings to your life- identity, purpose, and harmony. To find the right college, you have to think about which one will help you find these.


I recommend visiting campuses and taking tours. Make sure to talk to students in the department that you think you are going to go into to find out how hard it is to get into classes, how helpful the professors are, etc. Also, make sure to get a tour of the dorms to see where you would really will be living. Consider how far the school is from your home, and whether or not you will be homesick if you can only come home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.


Pick an area/location where you feel comfortable. When you aren't studying it is good to have a comfortable place to take a load off.


When choosing a school, take into consideration more than just the social environment or fun options the school offers. While it is important to pick a school you can live with for a few years, you also need to find one that is going to help you build a solid plan for life after college. The school I attend is not my favorite place in the world. I don?t always care for the overall location and social dynamics, but I love my major and my advisors here have helped me build a great foundation for exciting future in my industry of interest. I personally believe that as long as you have a good attitude, you will find good friends and a home anywhere, whether or not that place has the prettiest people, best parties, and state-of- the-art work out facilities. Thus, when selecting a college, make the choice that will provide the greatest opportunities to learn, network, and get involved with people in fields of study that interest you.


I would make sure to visit the campus before selecting a school. Walk around campus, and see if you feel like you could fit in at the school. If you chose a school just based on its repuation you might not fit in there, and be sure to check out the college activities available that you might be interested in. When you get to college be sure to throw yourself in it, go to class and study, but go out and find some extracurricular activities to do. College is more than studying, it is the most amazing experience and to make the most of it you need to explore everything!


-look at the environment, decide what you want to get out of your college experience -look at the programs, decide what programs that you want and whether they provide enough classes to help you graduate -determine when you want to graduate, what major, and plan ahead for your classes -major counselors are NOT scary at all, go see them more than 1 time a quarter/semester. -don't be afraid to go into new clubs, groups. experiement with your comfort zone instead of limiting yourself based on image or what you think you might like or dislike.


It is very important not to get caught up in the hype of going to a prestigious, big name college. Pick a college that you feel you will have the most success. Pick a college that gives you a that home-like feeling, I mean, you will most likely be there for 4 yrs so it would be in your best interest to actually like the college you?ll be attended.