University of California-Davis Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Davis know before they start?


My advice to fellow students in order to find the right college is to research each college thoroughly and in advance. You are going to spend a significant amount of money and time in your school of choice so it better be the right one. For example you should like the campus and infrastructure of the school, feeling confortable while you walk around your school can give you a positive mind-set and energise you for the classes that will come during the day. Once in school, get to meet your classmates and your teachers. Fellow students cannot only become your friends at school but they can be very helpfull in your future career, and teachers are usually experts at their subjects who have great advice and connections in the professional world, their word counts. Lastly, you should have a post-graduation focus and attitude from the biginning. Remember that your time in the school is only a preparation for the real live, and in order to get a good job you need to have experiece. Use the career resources of the school, especially internships as these can connect you to relevant people in the job market. Good luck!


Try everything.


Aside from choosing a school with the major of interest, future students should look at what the college has to offer and the campus environment. Choosing a party school when the student wants to concentrate on academics will not help the student much. During college, students should find internships though the campus since they are easy to get and since they offer hands on experience in many different fields. Most of the time, professors will gladly teach you what the student what they need to know so little background knowledge is needed. This is a great opportunity for student?s to find their real interest in work, not to mention that it looks great on transcripts, resumes and graduate school. For fun, students should take part in clubs or intramural sports. It?s a great way to meet many people and make friends, and is usually always fun to participate in.


Find an institution whose strengths are your goals. This gives you the maximum number of opportunities within your chosen field. Know what you want out of college. The average number of major changes is 2, and the average number of academic years is 5. Taking time off to realize your goals before college is a smart solution to spending another $20,000+ per extra year. Take advantage of GE's - they allow you to take easy-A classes that expose you to new topics. Mixing major courses with GE's every quarter helps diversify and simplify your courseload. Plan way, way ahead, especially if you want to travel. Upper division courses may be quarter specific, and graduate schools often require classes in addition to you major. Plan your courseload ahead of time - going quarter by quarter can mean additional years, or taking unwanted classes to graduate on-time. Last but not least stick in there! Lower division classes are sometimes much harder than upper division classes because they are "weeder" classes, specifically designed to extract all but the best. Yes, they really are that bad, but keep going - your goals are worth fighting for.


College is a very important step in a young adult's life. For the first time, they will away from the friends that they had made, the home that they had lived in, and they will have many new responsibilities and choices given to them. Choosing a college was very nonchalant for me personally, but I saw many friends agonize over what school would fit them most and whether they can afford it or not. There are many things to consider when choosing college. Do you want to be close to home? Do you want to attend a private school? What type of major are you interested it? Do you want to go to a specialized college? Do you even want to go to college at all? It's very easy to be overwhelmed. The best thing to do is to have the student and the parent(s) talk about what college would fit them according to these questions and more. College is supposed to be as fun as it is studious. Don't be overwhelmed. And it's okay to fail. Strength comes from failing and rising above that.


take tours, and ask questions


If there is anything I could people about choosing the right college and making the most about the experience, it would be to not choose the school that is the most furthest away from your home or is known for having the most parties at it. Every school has its parties and all of them give you your freedom that you have been looking for no matter how close. The most important thing is that they have and offer the classes and extracurricular activities that you know you will be interested after high school. These are the things that will lead to a more fullfilling college experience. Another thing would be to take advantage of these things. Remember, no matter how you are paying for your tuition and fees, you are still paying them in the end. So to not take advantage of your school's programs is just ridiculous.


I think the best way to pick the right school is asking around. You should pick a school which is good for your major, your financial. Never try to pick a school because of their "popularity", or "fame". you'll be regret about it. Besides, try to find their rankings online. there's a lot of sources online. You should talk to counsler and tell them what you like because counsler know the best. It's helpful. if you have chance, you should go to the campus you have in mind, so you can have a basic idea about life on and off campus.the more you ask people, the better choice you make!


Let students make the decision, and really think about what you love and what you want to do with yourself and for your society in the future. What do you want to be represented by and what do you want to do to represent yourself? Do not be afraid to challenge, and find a place that allows the unorthodox.


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