The advice give to parents and/or students about finding the right college is that there are no easy or hard colleges. It is how hard you try and how much you want to real your goals. Many students may miss home the first year of college but it is all worthwhile. They will eventually get use to it. The problem is the further you go the more you will have to pay. Going out of state is far and expensive it might not be a great idea.
My advice to parents and students in finding the right college is to visit the campus and interact with the people on campus. You find out a lot from the students already there and you can decide if you would be happy living there.
first find out what majors are offered and what it takes to be in that major. find out how the community interacts with the university and if the university offers any extra curricular activites. make sure you can live in the town that the school resides in and that the people at the school and community are your kind of people. the most important thing is talk to people who are there now and people who attended the college in the past. and talk to a diverse group of people not just people from your major.
Choosing the right university is a stressful process that we all hope to get through smoothly when it's that time for us. Begin early by reading about different colleges and talking to people. Base your research on the type of location you would like to live near, the type of environment you will live in, and the common needs and goals of the students there. These things are very important because you will probably be going to school every day and living at your university for 4 or more years! When you think you've found places you might like to go to school, don't hesitate to make plans to visit and see the campuses and housing before you make your decision. Talk to people, ask lots of questions, and get excited!
I would advise parents to allow their students to experience the independence that comes with the college experience. It is important to give them space to develop their identities as adults through both struggle and victories. Support their decision in what area of study they wish to explore because if they are not interested in the subject, they will have a hard time succeeding. The role of parents to a college student should be a support rather than a guide.
Pick the college that you feel the most comfortable with instead of picking one that people say are the best for you.
My advice to highschoolers looking to find the college that is right for them is to truly go with your heart. It sounds corny, but where you feel the most comfortable and the most at home is going to be the place you are happiest. The "notoriety" of your school means absolutely nothing if you are unhappy there. Visit any school you are remotely interested and gauge how likely you are to go there by the way you feel when you are on campus. The school you choose will be your home for the next 4-plus years, and the other students will be your family. By making sure that you will be comfortable at your new "home" you are ensuring success at whatever school you end up attending.
Choose the place that feels right; you'll succeed and be happier in a place where you're comfortable. Regardless of the school's ranking, location and campus compatibility are going to be the two biggest things that affect your life on a daily basis while in college. Take advantage of the opportunities your college has to offer academically, extra-cirricularly, and socially - it's cliche, but you only get to be a college student once. so make the most of it!