My classmates usually keep to themselves, but they are not afraid to ask questions.
The thing I enjoyed the most at UCR were the people I met while going to school there. Some of whom I am still good friends with.
Student body does its job well. Although they could plan better event but overall they do a good job.
The student body was pretty well rounded. It will be easy to find people you identify with.
Extremely liberal student body in general. Tons of Asians, really the school is primarily Asian regardless of whatever some statistics might say. The administration is VERY apathetic about the students and for the most part the students return the favor. There were rarely rallys, protests or "movements", and the ones that popped up were usually just the angry Mexicans from Mecha and they don't number too many.
UCR is incredibly diverse as I've previously mentioned. One may stay within their racial realm or branch out, either way there is a place to fit in.
Many sororities/frats, clubs, although unspoken, are ethnic.. Asians, Hispanics, Africans.. It's a fantastic way to preserve one's culture.
LGBT is definitely huge.. They also pass out free condoms if you need some at their office. Don't forget to check out a Vagina Monologue.
People are really relaxed in their dress code at UCR.. it's incredibly hot and humid so theres no need to dress up and wear too much makeup as it will melt.. Just t shirt, shorts, flip flops..
4 tables at the dining hall?
-I would say there are a group of international students from China, and India (perhaps in their late 20's) discussing the advanced Business course they are taking, and how it can relate to their own country's economic growth.. Somewhat a small, friendly debate, in white and yellow polo shirts.. with more class, culture and poise than most other students.
-A huge extended Greek section.. each sorority, fraternity in it's own group of 4 or 5, as their own members come and go in between class.. Although they try so tough to be separated from one another.. they can't help but be addicted to the gossip.. and to 'stay close to their frenemies'... and a random non-sorority groupie that is hopping from frat boy's lap to lap..
-A group of religiously, racially diverse- a Christian white man, a Muslim Girl, an Indian guy in his turban, 2 asian girls in Hello Kitty shirts, a white girl from Arizona, innocent freshman dorm-mates sharing their high school memories and what major they plan to take, and what organizations to join.. thats the great thing about college.
-Sports table - soccer girls and the hot baseball players, in their gear, ready for the game.
It seems as though more people at UCR are liberal than conservative.. but it also seems as though most people don't know much about politics, nor their own country..
The diversity in the student body at UCR is awesome!! When I started going to UCR, I did not know what to expect however, I now have lots of friends springing from different racial, cultural and religous backgrounds. In fact, UCR is one of the most diverse universities in the country! And everyone hangs out with everyone else. At least in my expiriences, I have not had any prejudicies or discrimination put against me, which is something that I am really happy about. Most UCR students are from all over California, most being commuters. However, we also have a wide variety of international and out of state students.
I feel that UCR is predominantly middle to upper class Asian students. UCR stresses diversity(to an almost annoying degree) and does have a very diverse student body. Students are most likely liberal, and there is a strong LGBT community on campus. Students are not particularly politically aware.
As mentioned before, antisemitism was growing when I was there. Other than that, it was a pretty eclectic bunch.
Is the most diverse I've been a part of. I made friends with students from almost every background imaginable.