Don't sweat the small stuff. It's not worth getting so stressed over so little. Just enjoy yourself, be more outgoing, make friends, join studygroups and clubs, and you'll be fine. You're too introverted--how are you going to become that big shot television or radio producer if you can't even force yourself to sit in the front of the class? Your professors are there to help you, not hurt you. These four years are about changing and blossoming from the timid bulb that you are into a beautiful flower. Just take that first step. It's okay. Your friends and family are there to help you, just in case. College can be fun! Just quit your stressing.
It is important to go to class and read your textbooks! It helps to be prepared for the class before you go. Studying in college is very different than it was in high school. Also, talking to your teachers can be such a big help. They are much more willing to help you out than you may think. Get involved in things you are passionate about because you will get greater satisfaction out of your college years.
College is a very personal decision. What is right for one student may not be right for another. Just because a school has a good reputation doesn't make it the best school for everyone. Students should look into the programs offered at different colleges as well as campus life to see where they would most likely be able to get a good education while enjoying their college experience. It is also very important to visit schools, because I did not know how much I wanted to attend my current university until after I had spent time with faculty and students there. Find the best place for you and enjoy it! And, if you want to make the most of your college experience, do not drink it away. Have fun with friends, but focus on the important things as well and you will be a successful and happy student.
I think first and foremost when looking for a school is that a student has to have an idea of what he or she is wanting to study. Depending on a chosen field of study parents and students should do research in how a school ranks in that program of study and what the school is like. Students and parents alike should look at class sizes, college life, and tuition costs. The student should visit campuses that they are interested in in order to see what kind of fit they believe would be best for them. It is always good to go on campus tours and asking questions about what to expect from that school. Hopefully these are a few things that help find many students a great college or university that they have always wanted to attend.
College can be the most important and enjoyable time for a students life. Selecting the right college takes time and patience, but it is worth it because you want to feel like you belong and achieving the education you deserve. For parents, I would advice taking your child on campus tours and encouraging them to enroll in numerous colleges and schloraships because by not having much financial help it can burden the student by performing poorly in class. For students, enjoy the years you have in college. Take it by your own pace and don't let others influence your college career. You want to be proud of yourself and with a degree, you are opening doors for success. I am currently a Junior and I am looking forward to graduating and looking back upon the many memories I will obtain in college.
The advice I would give parents and students about finding the right college is to go somewhere that has a strong program in your interest of study. When you are applying for jobs after graduation in your field, it looks impressive that you graduated from an institution that has a specialized program in the career choice you have chosen.
The best way to make the most of your college experience is by getting involved and meeting people. Make sure you know your academic advisor because they help you throughout your entire time in school. The only way to make new friends is by doing as much as you can, join clubs and be opened minded about greek life. Also, be sure you GO TO CLASS because that's the secret to passing! And by going to class regularly, you have an opportunity to meet your classmates and form a relationship with your professor.
Make sure the Child or young adult is ready for College before making that choice. Some people just aren't ready right out of highschool!
I would advise parents to listen to their child and set down with them and truely talk about the goals they have and what would make them happy in life. To the student I would encourage them to look within themselves to find what they want to do or expect out of life and if they do not know yet that it is ok. Also, I would ask the students to not be afraid to tell their parents what they deep down truely want to to with themselves and not just say something that they think their parents want to hear. I would recommend that the students and parents actively and aggressively look at all educational outlets to find the one that is perfect for the student, and the parents combined. Staying on top of applications and financial paperwork is a must. It is very important for the parents to completely support thier child in whatever descision they choose to make about the future. Finally, when the student is pursuing a degree in a field they love and with the support of their family it will be easier to complete the degree, and be happy in life
My advice to anybody looking for the perfect school is, pick for yourself. Do not pick a university because that is where all of your friends are going. Just because the school fits your best friends does not mean that it will fit you. In order to get the full college experience you should be active, but do not forget about your academics, because that is how you meet new people and make new friends. Whether it is through recruitment/rush or just joining small campus organization you should be active in some shape or form.