study, study, study, study,study, study. And when you're tired of studying, study more. watch out for the boys, noooo football or soccer players. Please stay away from junk food and alcohol so you don't get a gut. have a great group of girlfriends, because if he breaks your heart, they'll put it back together. Try and save money so that when you get those random shopping urges you won't overdraft your checking account. Stay close to God, everything is easier with him. Don't fight with your mom, she's been where you are and she is only trying to help. Talk to your twin brother, you have more in common with him then you think. he's under the same peer pressure as you. plus, he already knows all the bad stuff you did- ty told him. most of all, love yourelf deeply, and know you are a bright girl and you deserve the world.
?In transitioning to college, take advantage of studying different careers now. It will save you from a lot of stress in making decisions later. But remember that what you do does not define who you are. Who you are defines what you do. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the ?future? that we often miss out on enjoying where we are right NOW.
Never stay complacent. If you stay in the same place for too long, whether it is in your same ?clique? of friends, job, or even geographically, it is easy to get so comfortable that you don?t accept change. Just as trees go through seasons, so do we as people. Change is a part of growth. NEVER underestimate your true potential. God has given you the gift of leadership. Do not be afraid of it, but instead, embrace it. It will be used in big ways not only on your campus, but wherever you go. Lastly, remember that life is a roller coaster, filled with both high and low points. Continue to do everything to the best of your ability, keep God first, and you will succeed, not only in college, but in life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would be sure and tell myself how important connections were. Staying connected to friends, family and teachers is a vital part of survival in college. As a senior I am not sure I fully grasped that importance and it cost me quite a bit in the first semester of college. I would stress the importance of making sure to stay in touch, and making sure not to burn too many bridges.
by not going to college i have had to learn things the hard way.. i tried to take the easy way out and thought by not going straight to college i could go out and get a job and make fast cash.. now all i am is a waitress and i have 2 children.. going to college now is going to be more challenging now that it ever would have been if i would have went sooner.. i make less than 10k A year and i could never pay the bills on my own.. by going to college i can be something one day..something im proud of
Hey Cari, I am here to tell you a few things you need to know about college. Take the time to study for that test. Good grades are very impressive to those scholarships committees. Participate in extra-curricular activities and give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in the sports that you try out for. Colleges like students who are involved in activities. You will also have some great memories from doing all these things. Ask your high school teachers for advice on what they felt like they wished they would have know when they went to college. They will have some good ideas. The main thing is just keep on what you are doing. You probably don't need to change a thing. Good luck and keep on learning.
If i was able to go back an talk to myself as a senior. I would tell my self to work even harder for the things you want the most, and never take no for a answer, and always keep your head up, never let anyone get you down. do the best you can, and never take life as a game, because it real!
Dear Angelika,
I am going to give you some advice about your future. For starters, I know you have your goals written out and your putting a check mark by each one you complete but DO NOT go through the respiratory program. You CAN NOT handle being in the hospital with all the code blues and trips to the ER. You will just be wasting a year and money on a degree that months later you have yet to use. Moving on, you need to be more open to meeting people. You are so quiet that its been almost three years and you still do not have any real friends. It's a little sad. You need to try to connect with some people, join some clubs PLEASE! One good thing is that college is not as scary as it seems so don't worry you will be OK! Anyways have a wonderful senior year.
Your Future you
My first piece of advice would be to go to an out-of-state college. The security of having mom and dad right there is nice, but the chance to get out on your own and learn how to truly take care of yourself is invaluable. The adventure is worth the risk.
The other piece of advice I would give is to get a degree in a field you really love. Think about your favorite thing to do, what you would be happy to do all day, every day and find a way to make a career revolving around that. In my case, I love to read. Look into the publishing industry. Do your research about what you need to do to get into that industry. Call or email people in that industry and get their advice. No matter where you go or where you end up, do what you love to do.
Man oh man, where do I start? Well, I'm a freshman at UCO and today was my first day of classes for this semester. They went pretty well, but then again, pretty much every first day goes by pretty smoothly. Go to class, discuss the syllabus, leave. Seeing as how you are still in your senior year of high school, I am aware that you are a pretty lazy student. All your high school teachers cut you a lot of slack, and they let you slide by and turn things in late. It's a pretty fun year and so much happens during it. But, I'm here as a friend to tell you to not get too accustomed to this way of living. You may think high school is difficult, but next year you will find yourself in a mess of trouble if you think you can procrastinate on every assignment and barely get by. No, college is much different. I encourage you to try your hardest, to study as much as you can, and to never lose hope. You may struggle a little your first semester next year, but I have faith in you!
I would tell myself to not try pre-med first go straight to computers.