The advice that I would give myself is to be self motivated and show up to class everyday. While attending the University of Central Oklahoma I have notice that being self motivated and showing up to class can lead to success as a student here.
If I had the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow my instincts and follow my original dreams. The transition to college life really is not that scary and there are far more frightening and difficult things out in the work world. Having a bachelor's degree while looking for a job would open more doors of opportunity in the working world. A college degree offers a whole other level of respect in the workplace and leadership positions might possibly arise quicker than without a degree. The opportunity to fully experience college life is wonderful. I would tell myself, "Experience Greek Life, get involved with campus events, join an organization, study hard, and have fun. It really is the best times of your life and enjoy them."
The most importnat thing I could tell myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now, is my academic achievements in high school in no way predict my academic achievements in collage. Once in collage, I can be as successful as I want to be because I am in charge of my life and coursework and the pace at which I chose to complete my education. In high school I made good grades, but never had the opportunity to excel because my home life was consumed with raising my two baby brothers. When I entered collage I did not consider myself an intelligent person, but to my surprise, with dedication to my studies, I found I could master any course I took! Now, as a junior, I am considering applying to medical school to become a doctor. In high school I never would have dreamed of a medical career as a possibility! High school success should not dictate your success in collage, nor should it be used to measure your true potential.
I would tell myself to look ahead farther than just the next semester and see the big picture and what all was required for my chosen career goals, not just my degree. I would also want to tell myself to look at more colleges before choosing one and that it was more than just a school, but a preparation for life and a home away from home, pick a place you can live and learn.
I will work harder and be more involved in in my school.I will also be more enviromental friendly as my college has thought me to be.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior. I would tell myself that drugs and alcohol are not the right decion to make. You need to apply youself and go to callege cause it is a very tough would without an education. The world will not give you what you need and you have to go out and earn what you want in life not just have things givin to you. I would also tell myself that i know what is going to happen if you keep doing what you are doing and it is not very healthy and you can die from what you are doing to yourself. i would also tell myself to study hard and go to college not to go to work it is not worth it. If you want to make the big bucks finish and get the job you want and deserve. So you can provide for your future family. It will make life a lot easier to understand and get through if you have the right education. If i did not listen i would beat myself up till i understood. Thank you for listining to me.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a lot to say. It would probably come in form of a song because that is what I tend to respond best to. I would tell myself to never give up. A lot of people will say a lot of things but just because they say it does not mean it is true. I would also tell myself to never compromise my standards. It doesn't matter if it is to further a relationship or to further school, stick to what you believe and you will have a lot less regret. Another important thing would be to tell myself to always make time for my family, having that stability will be crucial through your next few years. Savor what you have, those relationships will not always last. Most importantly I would tell myself to be who God created you to be, don't change for anyone or for any reason! You are beautiful, and you have the love of an everlasting Savior, never ever forget that!
I would tell myself that I need to toughen up and become less dependent on my family and more dependent on myself, because in college I am going to live in a dorm room and have to do things for myself, there will be no mommy there to save or help me. I would also tell myself that I need to get out of my shell, and really learn how to open up to others and get many new friends that have all different kinds of backgrounds and are from all parts of the school-whether they be from band, preps, orchestra, jocks, druggies, gothic?s, or whatever. I need to learn how to know people and let them know me. That way I can have more friends, and not be so lonely in college. I would remind myself that not everything is always going to turn out the way I want it to and I just need to let things go, and go with the flow, and not get so worked up over things.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would advise takeing as many concurrent classes as I could, and I would also tell myself to apply for every scholarship that is available to help alleviate the pain of paying for higher education. In the end my biggest problem was finding a college I really felt comfortable applying to, and to solve this I would tell my past self to talk an advisor and see if they would be able to recommend any schools for me to apply to.
I would go back and tell myself not to slack off my senior year. That truly hurts your education. You forget a lot and college that first year was a big review. I would tell myself to take more concurrent enrollment classes or advanced placement classes. If you are good at tests then this is the way to go because it is way cheaper than college. I would also tell myself to save up money. Not only is college expensive but being around friends and all the places and things to do around college is expensive.