University of Central Oklahoma Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Central Oklahoma know before they start?


To find the right college I would look at the degree that the student wants to obtain.The school that I go to has one of the most rigorous Education degree programs. The students who graduate from here in Education are highly sought. I would also look at the size of the college and see what the student/teacher ratio rate is. I graduated from a smaller high school and chose to go to a smaller university where I could feel like I was a part of it. To make the most of the college experience I would advise to live on campus. You meet a lot more people and will have longer lasting friendships. I went to a junior college and then transferred to a university. I lived on campus at the junior college and I chose to come to this university because it was where my friends I had met at the junior college went. When you go to college it is a time to branch out. None of my friends went to the junior college that I chose to go to but I loved it! Most of all have fun!