We are a big liberal arts school. Mostly left wing and affluent kids.
Growing up I was always poor, and received full financial aide to put me through college. Most of the students don't understand that, and I felt left out most of my first 1 1/2 because everyone was spending so much money. So I started working more and more. It's not that they were rude about it, they just didn't understand why I couldn't do certain things. But a lot of different groups interact. I have met a lot of diverse people, but wish there were more minorities on campus. There is a large, close-knit Asian community on campus, though.
Everyone has there own style, you will notice that. Very relax, libreal enviroment. A lot of people are from Colorado, California, and Chicago. There is a nice mix of people from everywhere!
We are the second whitest campus in the US. Again, lots of bitchy snobs.
The student body is very diverse.
Boulder has a great make up of a diverse student body. There are many out of state kids, as well as a ton of in state kids. The most out of state students that go to Boulder are from California. The greatedst part about Boulder is that it has a lot to offer to a ton of different people. Boulder attracts many out of state kids because of the convience of easy access to skiing and snowboarding. Many kids that love to be outside, come to Boulder. You can hike, bikeride, ski/snowboard, tube, rollarblade, skateboard, longboard and tons more.
I havent branched out too much, and most of the people i hang out with are from southern california.... very small minority percent. The out of state students are usually very wealthy because the out of state tuition is not cheap. Colorado students stick together, CA students stick together, and everyone else seems to mingle.
If you are use to an ethnically diverse setting, Boulder will send you into culture shock. People may think I'm exaggerating, but look at the statistics or just go on to campus. It's started to improve a bit, but just a little. Granted this is not the entire student body, but there is a large influx of out of state trust funders that have always had life fed to them on a silver spoon. Just like any large universtiy, there are all walks of life, some just are more prevalent then others.
My biggest pet peeve about Boulder is the overwhelming "rich bitch" population. For people from a lower-class background, there's nothing more obnoxious than being constantly surrounded by people whose biggest problem is what to wear on Saturday night or dealing with the ensuing hangover. As someone who is paying her own way through college, I feel like I can't relate to the majority of students here, who have no concept of what it's like to have to work for everything you have. Of course, there are lots of students who take their education very seriously, so Boulder is also academically competitive.
Boulder's student body is diverse in the sense that there are all sorts of people who have different interests. Ethnically though, the student body is not that diverse. There is some diversity but the majority of students are white. There are plenty of racial, religious, LGBT, socio-economic, and other groups of students on campus. Many students are politically aware and active. Often times there'll be groups that bring in lecturers to talk about various injustices, have organized protests, and other activism. Environmental organizations are also popular. The UMC is where many of the student groups and clubs can be found. For sports, intermurals, and fitness the Rec Center at CU is the place to go.
In general most students are more liberal, but there are some conservatives as well. Overall the student body is pretty laid back. Students where whatever clothes they like to class: sweats, jeans, teeshirts, sandals, dressier clothes, anything goes... (well except nakedness)