University of Connecticut Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Connecticut.


everyone is an ignorant liberal. no one has a real reason for liking who they like. everyone is from rich connecticut or mass. they also have never experienced anything outside of the tri-state area.


The student body is mostly white, upper-middle class, privileged CT residents. But there is some racial/ethnic diversity and there are some out-of-staters, mostly from NJ and NY. There are African-American, Puerto-Rican/Latin-American, LGBT, Asian-American, and Women's cultural centers so everyone has a place to go if they want. The stereotypical UConn dress is very preppy, girls wear Uggs, North Face jackets, designer jeans and Abercrombie/Hollister. Guys wear the male equivalent. Everyone owns at least one item of clothing that says UConn on it. By and large I wouldn't describe the population of UConn as a bunch of intellectuals. They're average kids who prefer keeping up with NCAA tournaments to being informed on presidential debates. As a whole I'd call CT kind of a right-wing state, but by virtue of the fact that UConn is a college it has more lefties out of those who are actually aware and active. As far as future hopes and ambitions, everyone hopes to make money, but UConn doesn't offer as much job security as other more prestigious colleges. The economy sucks and will continue to suck anyway.


Most people are from Connecticut. It is a predominately white campus. When you walk outside, you see northfaces and uggs. Everyone looks the same, but there are people that stand out. I know people that complain of prejudice.


There are so many groups for cultural, ethnic, and social differences that I dont think I'd be able to count them, but they all seem fair and respectful in my experiences. In terms of what people wear, I see a lot of people with North Face jackets and vests on, but in such a large school there are still a bunch of people who dont wear those things at all. Quite honestly, the vast majority of people dress for comfort because they're going to be spending all day walking around campus. Most UConn students are from in-state, but there's still a good chunk of out-of-state kids. What I didn't notice was a large discrepancy in financial backgrounds, which I found comforting. There is a decent level of political activity on campus, but again, due to the size of the student body you always have some people who are really active, others who aren't, and those who make an effort but aren't intense about it.


UConn is one of the most diverse places I have ever been, because when I walk into the dining hall and glance over four tables, I rarely see or hear two similar people. From majors to ethnicity to musical taste, everyone has something different to offer, and we all gravitate toward each other.


The majority of uconn students are from CT, with a speckling of students from NY, MA and NJ. There is not a lot of personality diversity at uconn. If you don't party/drink you will really have a hard time finding a place at uconn amongst people you can really connect to.


There are so many groups on campus that someone could find themselves joining. There's a strong LGBT presence as well as different cultural centers for all sorts of ethnicities. There are clubs and fraternities/sororities to join, study groups you could form, or just friends you could make from classes that you take. The only kind of student that would feel left out at UConn would be the student that stays in their room and makes an effort not to interact with the people outside.


very friendly people. not stuck up active campus


There is a good mixing of student's races, sexual preference, and religious state. When it comes to money, sometimes its clear the rich kids stay with the rich and the not rich kids are with the non rich. Most students would considered themselves liberal, but if they were asked about politics, they wouldnt be able to answer questions about why they are liberal...mostly just "Bush sucks, thats why." Most of the students are from Connecticut for sure.


Most students wear whatever they feel comfortable in to class. On any day you can see people dressed up or just wearing pjs or sweats. It all depends on the person.