University of Connecticut Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Connecticut!


The variety of student organizations on campus and how students have the ability to be involved with administration


basketball, campus


My school is very large.


Excellent facilities in a beautiful part of the state. I grew up in a small, rural town, so being here makes me feel more comfortable. Plus there are cows that live across from my dorm.


Some may feel that being at UConn, we are closed off from the rest of society. Storrs is a small town, but has managed to bring together thousands of students, faculty, and people from all over, making it a small city in its own. It's big enough in that everyday you can meet at least 5 new people, and small enough in that each of the 5 people you met the day before knows someone else you have met elsewhere on campus. It can be a social school, and academically challenging at the same time.


The University setting instead of an art school provided more diversified experience than an art school would have provided. Gave me more exposure to other areas of interest when trying to declare my major and minor area of studies. It gave me a good college experience without having to sacrifice a good art program.


The size may seem overwhelming, but it's what makes UConn great. you will never get bored, you will never be lonely, and you'll always feel included. some other small schools i visit don't have the school spirit or friendliness that UConn has. the social aspect aside, the classes are great. big classes are the way to go. You will know someone in your class to study with on top of that almost all test are multiple choice or a single essay. also if you miss a class, you can get the lecture online.


Very school spirited, well stocked on entertainment and all inclusive (like things needed during the week).


It has an amazing financial aid program that really makes a difference. Also, the size allows for a lot of different interests. Despite there not being a lot around the campus, it still has a plethera of types of student groups, ranging from human rights, to media groups (radio station, tv station, several papers), to an undergraduate student government, to political and social groups, volunteer organizations and fraternities and sororities. There's a lot to look forward to, although it can often get in the way of school work if you're not careful.


UConn is the only in-state school I considered. This is because UConn would be a lot cheaper to attend than any other school. It also had my major (actuarial science) which is offered by only a handful of colleges around the US.