From my college experience I have learned the value of family. As I began college I had a mentality that I was there to get out of the house and be away from my parents. Yet as time passed I began to see how my family was the backbone to my education. If it wasn't for their support I would not be able to attend DU. I learned that friends don't always provide the support you need, that your mom and dad will be the ones there whenever you need them. As I continue to pursue my education I have learned that by attending DU I create a stronger family bond and learn to trust in my parents judgement of whats the best for me.
My college experience has had its up & downs but it helped me learn a lot and that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it. When I first started college, I really wasn?t sure what I wanted to do with my life. So I just started taking the basic classes to get me started. Some classes I struggled and others I excelled in. When I realized the career path I was going in wasn?t where I wanted to go I decided to change my major. I enrolled in the Dental Assisting program at my college. It was the longest and hardest 10 months of my life and I couldn?t wait for it to be over. Now that I finally graduated, all that hard work has paid off. That program disciplined me and made me a better student as well as a better person. It was valuable because I made new friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life. They became like family to me. The program was so rewarding and in the end made me a happier person because I felt like I accomplished so much.
Hello, when I graduated from high school I really had no idea what I was going to do with my life., I had no money and no will power to do anything about it. I started attending Tallahassee community college just to make my parents happy, and ended up getting hooked. I fell in love with social science and the legal profession. What I have gotten out of college has been a new direction in life. Before school I wanted to play video games for a living, now i have realized i want to graduate and go to law school and even minor in history. I now am applying for Florida state university and I work full time at a law firm all because school has mad me realize only the active succeed.
The one thing that I have learned from my college experiance is that I have to depend on myself to get work done. Often times I have had to do more research than neccessary to figure out things like finanical aid and my major/minor because the people who should have been available to help me gave me the run-around. I have also learned that I have to push myself and motivate myself and that I have to force myself out of my comfort zone if I want to suceed in life.
My college experience has been a valued time in my life, opening doors to different relationships and an expanded ethic in working towards a goal. During high school, I attended a small school with a class no larger than seventy students. Since childhood, our relationships set in and maintained, for the most part, unchanged. While attending a community college for two years, I found similarties in peers I never imagined existed while in high school. My social group grew to involve older students, friends of different races, and backgrounds of all sorts. Amongst them, I found that I came to college with a very limited opinion of humanity.
I have learned a great deal from my college experiences. I have learned to interact with different cultures and people from around the US. I have learned discipline in taken online courses and striving to always do my best. I have attained several skills regarding my area of study, Leadership and Organizational Studies. I have learned that just because you didn't attend college as soon as you graduated high school does not mean that you are exempt from earning a higher education.
From my first year of college I have learned how to live and get along with other people. Coming 2,000 miles away from home to go to school, I had to learn how to get along with many different kinds of people. For example, my roommate and I had a few major disagreements throughout the year about miscommunication. In the end, it boiled down to learning how to easily communicate with one another. I am proud to say that we ended the year on good terms and will be good friends. However, anybody else could have had this same experience. Attending the University of Denver has been valuable for me because of the very diverse people I met and the many lifestyles I learned about. My roommate, for example, was Honduran, my resident advisor was Indian, and one of my close friends was from France. This to me is a very valuable part of my college experience, teaching me about other cultures and allowing me to take a step out of my comfort zone and learn how to live with people much different than myself. To me, diversity is one of the most crucial parts of the college experience.
Prior to attending college, I was always the student who worked the hardest and always knew what my goal was. However, my goals were often short term and usually related to the current project that I was working on. However, my college experience has changed this. Since beginning my college career, I have gained a sense of purpose and I now have something that I am passionate about promoting: diversity and Inclusive Excellence.
One of the groups I have been involved with is the Asian Student Alliance (ASA), which is a part of the larger "One Community": an alliance of several student groups who advocate for Inclusive Excellence: My involvement with the One Community has instilled in me a passion for creating inclusive environments where all students, regardless of their multiple identities, can feel welcomed. This passion of promoting Inclusive Excellence, and my goals associated with it, have given me my first real passion.
My experience with the One Community and promoting Inclusive Excellence has been valuable to me because it has given me a clearer vision of which direction I want my life to head towards. Now, I am able to make more long term goals to acheive.
I couldn't even begin to describe what attending college for my Associate's in Nursing has done for me. But to at least try-it's made me grow, in ways I would not have thought possible. Even as I learn invasive techniques like IV therapy, I learn more compassion, and it's applied in every part of my life. My class is a tight-knit family-we want to help each other become amazing nurses, and we are such a diverse group. Surgery nurses, neonatal nurses, trauma nurses, and far more. I've learned more in the last year in nursing school than I did in three years at a traditional university. It has changed me in ways I haven't even determined yet. Although getting through the next year will be very difficult due to money constraints, I'm prepared to give it my all.
Be the volunteer for programs, but one of the programs named Project Homeless Connect is my favourite. I served for those homeless people and helped them to solve problems like shelter, insurance, ID, etc. These experiences make me get better know different classes in the society.