When I was searching for the right college, I was unsure of what I was looking for in a school. I visited and applied to state schools, private schools, large schools, and small schools. I would encourage those who are searching for the right school to keep and open mind in order not to limit potential options. Do not be afraid to take a chance- it might be the best decision you will ever make. While leaving home and your comfort zones may be scary, some of the best experiences come from taking chances and trying new things. For those who are worried about cost, apply to the expensive schools anyway. Financial aid is available both through the school and through programs like this one. While some schools may end up costing too much, the opportunity will not present itself unless you give it the chance to. The most important process in finding the right school is giving yourself multiple options through visiting and applying and having an open mind about what the future may hold.
The best advise I can give is to visit the campus, and make sure you like it, get to know the city its in, and talk to the faculty and students in the program that you are interested in. They really do know better than anyone what sort of experience college for you might be like.
I would say that it is very important to find a school that you truly like for your own personal reasons. Do not follow your friends or significant other to a school, and never let your parents make the decision for you. Do a lot of research on all the school you are interested in, such as looking up clubs, fraternities and sororities. Make sure that if you want to major in a certain subject that they offer it. Once you get to college, be responsible. Going out and meeting new people is very important, so if your shy try hard to break out of the shell a bit. Try hard at school and do not skip classes for no reason. You are paying to go here so make the best of it!
Find out what you want to do later on in life and declare your major soon so you don't waste a lot of time and money in school eventually you do want to get out of school and into the real world.
Get a good college councelor.
In order to find the right college, it is crucial that campus visits be made. Colleges and Universities can make themselves sound as good as they want online or in a pamphlet, but a college is only as good as they really are. One can only know how well they like a place if they are actually there. it is also important that visiting a college campus can give an opinion of actual life on campus. Reading about a college online cannot accurately show or describe the many students and how they interact with one another. To make the most of a college experience, one has to feel comfortable. getting to know the campus, faculty, students, as well as the surrounding areas makes an experience that much more comfortable. Getting to know what you are going to be in for will make a campus arrival an easier adjustment. Every person is different. In most cases, just stepping into the right campus will feel right. Never choose what the parent feels is best or where your best friend is going. Never ignore what the heart desires. The decision lies within the perspective student.
College should be something that every student looks forward to after graduating from High School. College is where one makes lifetime friends and edge themselves closer to their career and life goals while having fun. You want to select a college that is right for yourself. This means looking at the financial aspects to make sure you don't have to worry every year about paying for tuition. You want to clear your mind of any stressful financial dilemas and concentrate on your education. On that note, one cannot just pick a college if the only aspect you enjoy about the college is education. You are choosing to live there and assimillate into the community, so you want to select a campus that accomodates you and not the other way around. Therefore, you have to make sure it's the right sized campus and if the atmosphere of the college makes you happy. When I applied to the college I am currently attending, I knew it was the perfect college for me. I made sure that the college was affordabe, the education exquisite and pervocative, and that the feel of the community and the location met my needs.
College is what you make of it. Any college that you pick you have to make the most of it. Be out going and willing to be open to new ideas. It is the time you learn the most about yourself. Good luck and have fun! =)
Make sure that whatever the prospective student wants to study for the time frame committement, is genuine. Be committed, work hard with integrity b/c this education is something that the student gives to themself and that it can not be taken away, ever, by anyone!!! and last but not least GIVE BACK TO COMMUNITY.. b/c remember, you did not get here got help...
Encourage your students to work on campus, live at home, and take full advatage of scholarship opertunites.