University of Houston Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Houston.


My classmates are older than i thought and more mature but very funny and smart.


My classmates are diverse, hard working, and very willing to help me in the classes I need help with; exactly what I need.


My classmates are kind, intelligent, and knowledgeable.


My classmates are very diverse, from all different backgrounds, religions, races, etc.


There is a great mixture of students from all backgrounds and ages, that really makes the classroom interesting.


Classmates of mine are very independent and strong minded when it comes to work.


The people in this school are ethnically, spiritually, socially, and econimically diverse and there is so much that can be learned from them.


My classmates are for the most part regular students, there is really nothing extraordinary about most of them, meaning they are not "not smart" but they are not the most inherently smartest people either, at least not yet.


My classmate, just one description, you do my stuff I'll do mine.


I don't really talk to many people in my classes at all, so I don't know how to describe them?