University of Houston Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Houston.


My classmates are from all over the world.


Some classmates view this as another obsticle, others view this as an opportunity.


A diverse group of people who are focused but know how to enjoy life.


the diversity around the UH campus is very wide spread. there is a large number of different religions, ethnicities, and cultures.


I think that everyone would feel at place at UH we are very diverse.


The student body is very diverse. It's a good experience.


I've currently been attending UH for 2&1/2years, and so far I have found most of my peers to be at the left side of the political spectrum. Even many of my professors have appeared to be more liberal than conservative. I would like to say that professors and students alike respect each others different views and opinions, but in many of my classes my professors and peers have shown animosity towards students who think differently. Especially, my liberal professors.


I don't have any experience with racial or religious groups on campus. I don't think that any kind of student feels out of place on campus, I think that there are a good amount of every race of student on campus. Most students wear t-shirts and either jeans or sweats. I try to interact with every type of student and in my smaller classes race and religious preferences have never been a barrier for me. The four types of seating in the UC are, bar stools, 2 person tables, large tables and comfortable lounging sofa chairs. Most UH students are from Houston and it's surrounding cities, I think that the majority of students at UH grew up only 20 miles or so away. Most students that I know who attend UH are from poorer or middle class families and are paying for their education through loans. I think political awareness is very prevalent on the campus, especially with the tight presentational race that is currently going on. Surprisingly since UH is in Texas and Texas is right winged I think that UH is left winged. I think that most students would like to become millionaires and they talk about that but besides that it's pretty much a unspoken topic.


There are very few racial/religious/sexual/economic groups not represented on campus. Of the top of my head I can't think of one, at least. Everyone fits in because no one is just like anyone else. UH prides itself on its diversity for a reason. As far as "dress code" goes people wear everything from pajama bottoms and slippers to a suit and tie to class.