University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Nevada-Reno know before they start?


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell her to apply for scholarships and to enjoy high school while she can. I would explain to my younger self how difficult it is paying off tuition, how fast money flies from "our" bank account because there is always something that needs to be paid for. Paying for college will not be impossible, but she should spend the time she currently has wisely to better her future. I would want her to also know that even though she is having a rough time with "our" ex-boyfriend, he should not be the one to bring down her happiness and focus. Senior year of high school is one of the best years of a young one's life and I would like her to focus more on colorguard, her friends, family and having fun. I would want her to not worry so much about money and just enjoy her young life, to actually spend that $50 for show tickets to prom with her best friends. We only live once, only one time-flying life.


There are a few things I would pass on to my past self. One would be advising myself to pick a major and stick with it. Everyone switches their major, it's what happens in college. But I stand by the idea that I would tell myself, "pick an area of study that interests you, and stick with it". I always had plans for graduate school, I had a hard time focusing on one area. Another would be advising myself to seek out and use the resources available to me as a student. Counselors are there FOR the students. They WANT to help individuals in need; it's why they're in the profession. There is no shame in admitting ignorance and reaching out for the guidance of those who know better and wish to help. Lastly, I would tell myself to plan ahead. Be smart with assets and money and save. Being a full time student while working a part time job is hard work. Time management is key, and learning to juggle all the responsibilities in a given day is a helpful skill.


I would have studied harder during my bachelor degree. I did not know the importance of mathematics in pursuing various fields of professions that time


I would tell myself to work as hard as you can in the academic realm and build a stable GPA while classes are easier in the first year. Enjoy the time in high school, because it just gets harder from there- faster schedule, heavier workload. Learn good study skills and organizational habits- it will be very helpful. Do not be afraid to talk to professors- they do not bite, even if they seem a bit intimidating at first. Most of all, have as much fun as you can and explore different topics of study because you may not have that chance at any other part in your career/life.


I would tell myself to join a club or clubs in the first year of college instead of in the later years of college life. It is a great way to meet new people with different personalities and interests. Clubs help people learn new skills that they could apply to their own career. I joined a club in my third year of college and while it is a great experience now, I wish I would have joined the club in my first year of college; I could have met more people and been more active by learning more that I could have applied to my career. Clubs keep you involved and engaged with your college and could lead to great job or career opportunities in the future, which is why I would tell my past self to join a club or clubs as early as possible.


Start dreaming! Throughout my entire life no one asked me about my dreams, let alone told me I could. I would ask myself, “What are your goals in life? What are your dreams? Yell out your desires, your aspirations, the hope held within the future only you control!” If I were to go back in time, there is nothing I would change about my mentality other than to pull back the curtains of insecurities, shyness, and self image and rip them from hiding my window of opportunity. The only one stopping you from anything achievable is yourself. No matter how big your dreams, there never will be a limit to blunt them, or obstacle impossible to circumnavigate. Don’t listen to your parents, your best friends, your teachers, your role models; listen only to yourself and personally choose the only path given to us in this life time. Forge your own future, not one someone else has planned for you. There is nothing more important in this world than dreaming, because when everything is ripped from you and nothing is left, your dreams will pull you back from the brink and show the world just how resilient you truly are!


Oh, how I remember what it felt like to be a high school senior. When the world was at my fingertips and the lurking thoughts of college swam around in my brain constantly. Yet, being in college now, I realize it changes people, including myself. I would talk to myself as a high school senior and tell myself that time passes by quickly and soon everything will change. This change will be frightening, but it's the next step in your life. You also can't always have control over everything. Life is going to lead you down paths that you could never imagine, and all you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other. People will also try to tell you what to do and what is right for you, but ultimately only you know in your heart what you should do. When you pick your major, pick it because that's what you want and not because that is what people expect out of you. You can't deny the person you are, so quit running from it and accept yourself now instead of later. College is a new journey, so enjoy every second.


About a week ago my friend described me, "She sits quietly while everyone talks and then she secretly wins." I have always been quiet, you can learn a lot from being quiet. This is why when I read Bill Gates speach "The Rules of Life" it seemed to be like a lot of common sense to me. However, the last rule - Rule No. 14 - really stuck out to me. "Enjoy this while you can... someday you'll realize how wonderful it was to be a kid..." I feel like I never got to be a teenager. I always acted like an adult, but I wasn't one. I didn't realize that "the best years of my life" were happening. I wish I got a chance to feel my heart pump a little harder instead of forcing myself to grow up. I wish I made strong bonds with my friends and made mistakes over and over again. I wish I wasn't so afraid to live and feel the freedom of being young. Instead I played it safe and stayed quiet.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself multiple pieces of advice. First and foremost, I would tell her to relax and enjoy her final year of high school. Also, I would tell her to spend more time applying for financial aid. I would advise her to search for scholarships early on, and to submit the FAFSA as early as possible. Next, I would tell her to go out often with friends and make memories that she can look back upon in her college years. Finally, I would tell her to put herself first when necessary, and not get too wrapped up in certain issues. If my high school senior self were to follow my advice, I would have more good memories and less stress as I make the transition into college life.


Hello high school senior David, myself, I have a few quick tips for you before heading off to college. These tips are meant to guide, assist, and inform you about aspects of college that will help you succeed! First, do not stress about money, the financial aid office is taking its time to assure you that you will receive the maximum amount of financial aid. Second, you do not have to go to every party. I understand that parties are fun, but you have a bright future ahead of you and that book is not going to read itself. Third, do marching band your sophomore year, you’re going to meet a very special person there. Fourth, have fun and join some clubs. Clubs open up the opportunity for achievement, work, and free weekly meals. Fifth, the transition is hard, this summer before college is going to be the hardest. With that in mind, spend time with your family, you’re going to miss them a lot more than you know. Lastly, have fun, live fast, and never forget the assignment due dates. All in all, you’re going to have a blast and everything is going to be okay!