If i could go back in time, I would tell myself to make plans and start saving for Young Harris College in Georgia because they will accept you. I would also mention, "If you take this route, you would succeed in your educational goals". This is the college you should attend because of the serentity in the campus and the sucessful staff. Last but not least, there is a chapel in the heart of the campus where you can attend Sunday and Wednesday church services.
As a somewhat older student returning to school after 7 years, it was difficult to get back in the swing of going to class and studying and doing homework. I would advise my high school senior self not to wait before going to college or univeristy in order to make the transition easier on myself. It's more difficult to go back to school after you have a family and also having to work and support yourself and your family at the same time. My best advice would be not to wait. Go to school while you are still young and start your careers earlier. By the time I actually finish school now, I will be over 30. If I had gone to school right out of high school, I would have been finished with school 5 years ago.
Apply for every and all scholarships and grants out there! Do not think that you can just skate by in life on what you have since it will not cut it in the real world. The past is important to remember but do not wish to go back to the old ways for it will hinder your growth into the future. Keep in touch with those most dear to you for they will help you remember who you are when you feel like the world is coming to an end. However, do not think that change is bad either and make good friends that will give you reality checks when needed and pick you up when you are down.
Try out for more sports or volunteer in your city more. That way you will have more confidence and the drive to go out to adventure. Even if it is small like learning to knit, skateboard, or dance in the long run you will be a better person. Most importantly do not harbor on being someone different. You are who you are for a reason and that will improve the world one day even if you do not realize it now.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior about college, I would definitely tell myself to stay focused. Yes, the college life can be fun and exciting, but you have to remember why you are going there in the first place. Believe me when I say, it's not as easy as it looks. There's a lot of work and didication involved, especially at universities. One small slip-up and it could cost you your future. The most important thing is to make sure you stay on top of your grades. I know it's tough to focus on the schoolwork aspect when you have to work or you want to go out, but you have to learn to prioritize and manage your time. There will always be a time to relax and have fun. Just remember, without an education, you go nowhere in life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to live in the moment and think about the future. I would tell myself that although the thoughts of others are something to be considered and valued, I should trust myself and listen to what I think is best without putting the weight of everyone else's opinions onto my decisions. I would tell myself to not be afraid; if you want to play that sport than try out, it doesn't matter if you don't make it, the most important part is trying. Are you interested in that club or do you want to meet more people? Then step outside of your comfort zone and explore your options, get involved, and take a risk. If you are having trouble in a class then don't be concerned with what your professors opinion of you will be because you don't understand the content, get the help and do your best. Most of all, make college about you. This is your time to grow, make mistakes, get your hear broken, break some hearts, heal, and just be you.
If I could go back in time and tell my high school self some things about college, I would first tell myself that studying is a major part of classes. I would tell myself that I should spend less time online and procrastinating, and spend more time reading books for classes. I'd also tell myself that I need to seriously apply for scholarships because they help pay for classes. I'd also mention that for psychology classes, there's a lot of information so be sure to take notes and constantly look over them. For things not concerning classes, I would tell my younger self to make sure to keep in contact with friends and that I will make new ones. That someday you will find people who you can talk to about the things your interested in and people you can trust with serious conversations. Most importantly, I'd tell myself not to stess out too much. That things will be fine and that you can't look at things as a mass of different obligations that need to be taken care of. Instead, I'd tell myself to take things one at a time and have fun.
"Hey Dena, I'd like to talk to you about your future and how changing your high school attitude can dramatically revamp your entire life. I don't want to scare you, your life really isn't all that bad in 2013, but some adjustments can make you more successful at a younger age. People actually like it and respect someone when they are smart. Don't waste time acting like you don't care about school or where you are going to be in ten years. You have the brain, so use it! Gossiping, drinking and doing drugs to 'fit in' will only slow down what you want to accomplish as a young adult. As soon as you graduate high school, go to college, and stick with it! It will be worth every second and every penny. I know at this point you don't know what you want to go to school for, I can tell you now, go to nursing school. You are so caring and passionate about people, being a nurse is what you were born to do! So get back to class and get those grades up! You will thank me later!"
Going back to my high school years, I would encourage myself to work a lot harder. Also i would encourage myself to be more responsible and to do my work on time. It would be good to not be lazy and to believe in myself. For the summer I would make sure that I have fun and to also not forget to do something productive like reading or summer classes to prepare for my upcoming year in college. Working on being organized and living on my own would get me ready. Also forming study groups once I get to college will help me stay on top of my school work.
Learn how to study better and be more organized with your school work.
I would tell myself to keep focused, don't worry about parties or skiing and snowboarding, there's plenty of time for that after graduating. I'd tell myself to go see an advisor more often and not be afraid to go to the tutoring center. Meet more people in your own dorm halls instead of going to different, familiar halls. Speak up more in class, and don't worry about what anyone else says. Talk to professors more, they are there for a reason so use the help wisely.