University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Nevada-Reno know before they start?


In the oppertunity to go back in time and give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would say to be open to all new ideas, adventures, and oppertunities. After my first semester of college, I have learned that with attending a university comes many new learning experiences and ideas that never would have occured to me before. I would tell myself to not be nervous about attending college, becasue it is about to be the best decision of my life. By telling myself to be open-minded I would be allowing myself to be ready for change. I would also tell myself to be as involved as humanly possible in order to really engage myself in the whole college learning experience. Although I would be afraid to branch out and try new things, by hearing the advice to be open-minded in all aspects, I would be preparing myself for the transition of a lifetime. Attending college allows for the ulltimate educational experience through classes, clubs, organizations, and teams; therefore, the best advice I could give myself would be to welcome all new oppertunities that my university has to offer.


If i could go back in time to talk to my high school senior self I would tell myself to have followed through on playing collegiate Volleyball. Or even to have continued playing college football. Being an athelete opens so many doors seen an unseen to regular students. It is a whole new world and i definitely makes college more of a challange. But at the same time it makes it easier due to all the academic resources presented to atheletes. I would also tell myself to try harder in school freshmen year and not allow myself to become so distracted by everything and everyone around me. Finally I would tell myself to fill out more scholarships. It would relieve a mountain of stress off of myself not having to worry about paying for school.


Take your education more seriously. Work and study hard in order to get the most out of school so that you can be successful. Don't just think about yourself and what you want right now but think ahead to what could happen in the future and prepare now for that.


Alexandra, I want you to know that college will not be easy for you. Not only will you be challenged academically, but your personal life will dramatically change. You'll experience great loss, but with this loss you'll also experience kindness, love, and charity; you’ll learn that those are the greatest gifts in life. There will be times when you think giving up your dream of a college diploma is what’s best. There will be times when you question if all your hard work will pay off. You will be tested, tried, and pushed to the limit. However, I also want you to know that all your hard work will pay off. You will learn that the times you feel most defeated are the times that you will shine most. You are knocked to the floor so you can stand up and prove what you’re made of. All the bumps and stumbling blocks in the road will prove to be opportunities to find a detour that will lead you to your destination. Remember that the bricks walls are not there to keep you out, they are there so you can prove how much you want it.


The advice I would give to myself as a high school senior would be: begin to focus on yourself and not worry about what paths others may choose. When I was in high school, there was an overwhelming amount of pressure to start college life early, to be older than we really were. I watched many of my friends become engulfed in the fanatics of "which college is most prestigious" and "who has the most AP credits," and I became worried that I perhaps was not a good enough applicant in comparison to my peers since I was planning to attend my home college and took only two AP courses. Looking back on how stressed I was for what now seem trivial matters, I would like to assure my high school self that I was doing what was best for me. I was also so afraid of what would happen when my classmates moved away, of how lonely I would be once college began. To high school Gabrielle, I would say that college was the best thing to happen to me in finding my true self and that people who are important to your life will never truly leave.


High school for me was filled with drama as my fellow students were extremely superficial. Popularity was based upon following the “cool” trends and hanging out with the other popular students. I myself was an outsider, being more involved in my studies than following the latest fashion styles. I felt insecure in high school because I wanted everyone to like me. As my first day of college arrived, I could not have been happier. Throughout my first year of college, I became to find out who I truly was. I made friends who cared about my personality and interests rather than what I wore. If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would give myself encouraging advice about not caring what other people think of me. The best advice I could have received back then would be to realize that the opinions of others only matter if I let them. True friends will love me for me, and I should ignore shallow people who are too wrapped up in trying to impress people they barely know. With this advice, I could have expressed myself without caring about the judgments of others.


I would tell myself to make sure that I had a home with space to study. Since I started at a CC and then transfered to UNR it was very helpfull to have study space at home. I would also let myself know that higher education is about learning things not getting a job. I swiched my major after realizing this and it would have saved a lot of time if I had fallowed my passion instead of trying to make money. I would tell my self to study hard and do all the work when it is assigned, if you do this test and qizes are easy.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself a lot of advice. I would first tell myself to pay more attention during school and to get better grades. I would next tell myself of the importance of taking college prep courses and how beneficial they are to future enrollment. Finally I would tell myself that I can do it. I can go to college and do well, and be a success. I would tell myself not to be fearful of failure, because I am smart enough to accomplish anything I set my mind to.


Knowing what i know now, I would tell my high school self to learn how to better use her time, stay focused, and never lose sight of her goals. In college I learned it is really important to manage your time so you do not end up procrastinating and spending all night finishing things you could have finished days ago. If I had learned to manage my time better in high school, I would not have had this problem in college. Staying focused is a really important skill I should have learned in high school as well. In college you do not have anyone to tell you when to do your assignments and to check up on you. It is your responsibility to make sure things get done and had I learned to do that in high school, my first semester would have been that much easier. Lastly, I would tell my high school self to learn to never lose sight of her goals. The only way to be successful in life is to find a goal and never stop reaching for it. As long as you have goals, you'll always have something to live for.


If I could travel through time and talk to my high school senior self, I would start by saying that the route that I’m planning to take through the local community college is the right decision but to stay till I receive my associate’s degree before transferring to Reno. I would ask myself to pay more attention in pre-calculus and study harder for the SAT’s and ACT’s because better scores will really help me financially later on in my academic career. Next I would tell myself that I need to discuss the option of rehiring in the off semesters with the company I was already working for if I can make a good deal with them early I would receive the tuition reimbursement program that they will start shortly after I leave for Reno. And last I would tell myself that the Mechanical Engineering department is tough but it is fun and will be rewarding so pay close attention to my professors and take lots of notes it will be a great time in my life for sure.