In high school, you dropped out because you got pregnant. While it is true that getting your GED when you were 17 years old and 8 months pregnant was a wise decision, you could've done so much more. In the future, when opportunity knocks, answer the door. Take it seriously. Your life will become a crazy, chaotic adventure when your husband joins the Army someday, so for right now, help yourself. Get your education and never let anyone hold you back, because some will try. Remember, your entire life your teachers told you that you were smart enough to do anything with your life. While you cannot go back, life doesn't rewind....what you can do is keep in mind that dreams don't die unless we kill them, so never give yours up. Often, the dreams of our youth seem wonderfully fascinating. Sometimes they tell us what we should be eventually. Other times, they fade. A small part of you will think it's sad, but in your heart you will feel it...your dreams did not perish or rot or fly away...your dreams just evolved in a way suited to a lifetime and your family.
I would tell myself to have applied myself more, and to plan out where i wanted to go and what i wanted to do a bit better.
"You are worth it and you are good enough!" That is what I would say to my 17 year old self. I had a tough time being confident in highschool. Even though I was an Honor Student and three sport Varsity athlete for my highschool I still felt like I could do more and it wasn't enough. It wasn't only until last year when I develped an eating disorder here at the University of Nevada Reno is when I started to put myself first and Love me for me. Being a track athlete at Nevada image and body weight is everything, and I buckled under the pressure and have been struggling with Bulimia Nervosa ever since. I want to tell me Senior self that you are perfect just the way you are! Do not let anyone tell you or make you feel any less wonderful than how God made you. Let things go, and be mindful of who you are and who you want to become. You are going to face struggles in your life but they are only going to make you stronger. Stop beating yourself up. Enjoy who you are. I love you!
I would warn my high school self that there is going to be alot of homework. I would tell myself "go clean our room and clear off our desk we are going to need that space for all the homework we will be getting. Apply to alot more scholarships because you are going to need them because i am low on cash now without them." I hope he would heed my warning for it would put us ahead of the game.
If I could go back to being a senior in high school, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would spend more time saving money and studying. Looking back on my senior year, I never realized how expenisve college really is, especially when you are not elligible for financial aid. I never really took the time to consider that my weak savings from working at Round Table Pizza for almost two years was not going to cover twenty-two grand a year in college tuition. If I could share some knowledge with my past self, I would say put more money into savings. Also, looking back I wish I would have pushed my overall 3.6 GPA higher by studying more because then I might have attained more opportunities for scholarships. With all the competition to get into college today I would tell my past self to take more time on my tests, and take more notes during class in an attempt to prepare myself for the onslaught of college work.
Hi Linda... It's me, Linda. Wow, you have changed a lot in thirty-four years; I hardly recognize you! I remember the shy, fearful person you were the day you graduated form Reno High School in June of 1978. What were you so afraid of? I suppose being out in the big, wide world was rather daunting to someone who wasn't even seventeen years old yet. But haven't you learned so much since you embarked upon adulthood? Yes, I have learned that life is a series of little choices which, once made, can never be undone. I have learned that, though some foolish choices were made, it was never too late to make a 180 degree correction and create a better future. I have learned that studying is the most difficult thing I hav ever had to do, but that getting the kudos and accolades is amazingly gratifying. I can do absolutley anything I decide to do! Perhaps most of all I have learned that being educated is still not as valuable as being a wise Mom, a faithful wife, and a loyal friend. The bravest choice to be made daily is to be a good person.
As a high school senior one thing that I wish I knew was to take advantage of every resource offered to me in high school. A lot of high schools have college and career counselors available to students that are there to primarily aid students in the transition after high school. As a senior I was always so focused on what I had to do and when I had to do it I never took the time to slow down and ask people for help. I really wish that I had taken of advantage of my high schools college counselor. I would tell high school seniors to talk to their college counselors about scholarships, and college applications. High school provides many oppertunlities to obtain scholarships and as a senior I wish that I had gone after more of these scholarships. I believe that if I had taken more time to speak with my counselor I would've been able to find and apply for more shcolarships making my freshmen year of college a lot less stressful.
I would tell myself that I should not take out any loans if necessary fill out as many scholarships as possible. I would also tell myself just to go straight to Southern New Hampshire University and not waste my time with Hesser College. I would also tell myself that I should wait to start a family until after and that I should do online courses.
I would tell myself to stay there becuase the real life is a lot harder than most kids that age think. But in reality I would tell myself that college might seem overrated or to much money but can be done with hard work and dedication. I would tell myself what I used to think of college as a high school student and what I think of it now. I would encourage my self to attend college for the better income for my family and me but more importanly for my family to show them that I can do what I put my mind to. The best advice would be to study, work hard, get a part time job, and apply for many scholarships becuase they will help out tremedously and to just beleive in yourself and anything can be accomplished.
One thing I would say to myself as a high school senior is :to be successful you need to be patient. I understand that you have big dreams, but rushing into them will not get you anywhere. Take your time in school, and the outcome of your goal would be greater. If you take your time, you will learn and expereince more than by rushing into your goals. There will be times when you want to give up, and other times will want to quit college. That is normal, and remember that everyone is going through that. Other times you will fail, and that is part of life too. If you can get yourself back up, and work even harder than you have before you will reach your dream. So take your time, it may not seem it is worth if now, but it will be later in the future.