To go back and time and talk to myself about colllege I would have said not to go to community college. Going there would push your college career back by two years and it will be a waste of time and money. The major you want in the future is Nursing and to get there you need to go to University of Nevada-Reno. I would explain all the steps on how to get there and a how to be the most efficient. Friends are everything in life and you will find the best friends life acn offer at this school. Your life will be better here. However if you do go the route that I took you will still have an amazing life with amazing friends, and you will be on your way to a great education in the major of your dreams. Either way you will be happy and that is waht matters most.
After being in college for a semester and a half, I have learned quite a bit; not only about college life but about life in general. To begin, I would tell myself about what it really means to just live and to not be afraid of what lies before you. Despite everything you think you know, life's got a lot more in store for you than you think, you just need to take a leap. Don't worry about getting the hang of things, it'll come to you naturally, and lastly, realize just how much of an influence you are to the people you surround yourself with; it will really help with a lot of decisions later on. That would be enough to say to my past self without revealing anything of the amazing future in front of him, that way he can still make his decisions and still call them his own; I would simply be there to give him perspective.
The biggest piece of advise that I would give to my high school self going into college would be the importance of keeping up with the reading assignment that the class sylabis lays out for you. Even if you ar not being constantly quized of the material, it is benificial to read it. If you keep up with the reading, reports and exams come a lot easier and with far less stress.
Dear Younger me,
This summer at home will be rough. Mom and dad will become frustrated with you and you with them. Just hold your breath and do what they say. It will get better. You'll notice that within the first month not living at home, your relationship with your parents will improve drastically. They really love you and want what's best. Especially regarding scholarships. Please, please, please don't wait until the last minute to fill out scholarships or ask for letters of reccommendation. It will come back to bite you.
Regarding school, you do very well, but you will get your first B in a class, and that's because you don't take the time to do the extra credit. Always do extra credit when it's offered. Always! You will fall in love with your field of study, and meet many people like you who have the same interests. Join pre-med club. Those people will be a great resource for you. Don't be shy about asking for help from one of your classmates. You might study a few times together and realize you just became best friends.
Good luck,
Older me
I would tell myself that life gets harder as you get older, and that the world is a cold calculating machine. I would tell myself that school is going to cost you a lot of money and even more time, but Its worth it. "Your life has just begun. There are so many amazing experiences waiting to be discovered, and so many amazing people to meet. You have a long way to go, but don’t forget to enjoy every day. A couple of things. Meet your academic advisor often, they aren’t trying to make you fail. Plan ahead . Either you plan your life, or your life gets planned for you. Take action, because no one else is going to do it for you. If you do nothing, then nothing gets done. Your stronger than you think you are. College has so many recourses to help you in your quest. Please don’t waist your time. Work hard and play hard. You can complete school. I know it seems like a huge lonely mountain, but you can do it. Trust me. Don’t get discouraged at the obstacles along the way, they are there to make you stronger.
I would tell myself to relax more and not get so stressed out during senior year. Between applications, scholarships and trying to maintain good grades, I sometimes found myself overwhelmed with things that needed to get done and become overly stressed. While all these tasks were important, I realize now that I didn't have to get so stressed over the little things. Being young is a precious thing. I would tell myself that now this is the time to start living life to the fullest. The only way to meet new people, learn new things and expierence new adventures is to put yourself out there and try it. Making mistakes is ok and a part of life. Life is too short to be stressed about things out of your control. Life is never easy, but by focusing on the here and now, you can live to highest potential.
The advice i would give myself is to pick a college that fits my needs and has great success for my major. I would tell myself to take high school seriously because those grades do count and make a difference in what colleges you can attend. I would tell myself that college is fun but also rigorous. I would tell myself to prioritize my time wisely and to focus on my classes. The grades that are earned do make a difference and will help you find a job in the future.
It has been four interesting years since my days as a high school senior. Back then I thought I had the bull by the horns, so to speak. My path was laid out -- graduate, go to college, then become a doctor of some sort. Well if life was that simple, I would be in Med School by now. The hard-squeezed truth is that life doesn’t always have lemons to give. In other words, college doesn’t just happen because it’s supposed to; it and everything else in life has a price tag. Four years ago, my concept of living expenses, student loans and tuition were rather skewed. I paid little attention to the actual cost of college, and instead, focused all my efforts on applying to well-known (expensive) schools. This slick move temporarily derailed my college plans and I soon found myself amid the working class, saving up for an education. If I could go back, I would teach my past self how to properly examine colleges of interest as well as how to decide whether they are a suitable match for me or not.
It is difficult to know what to say to someone who thinks they already know it all. The advice that I would give to myself is to gather potential resources around you and prepare yourself for some of the hardest academics you will have to learn. Get to know your teachers, look for extra credit, take good organized notes, pay attention, ask questions, study your brains out, and most importantly try and have fun, make it a good experience. College does not have to be a dungeon your intellectual mind is free to roam wherever it pleases, and the teachers encourage it, just make sure your imagination is on the path that the teachers have set.
I would tell myself that I have a passion for physics/ astronomy so that I would not waste a year in business. I could have prepared with summer math classes to get myself up to the level I needed to be to takle the appropriate classes. I would also tell myself not to doubt my intelligence so much and I would share withmyself the most important pice of information that I have learned so far, that I can learn anything as long as I put enough time into studying the material. I would also tell myself to learn proper study habbits right away and put an end to my horrific procrastination habbits. The most important advice would be to believe in myself and my abilites to succeed instead of doubting myself and settling for passing or average quality work. I wish I would have known my potential and worth before I came to college, but I am glad I found it eventually.