You are finally a Senior! It doesn't seem real, does it? Well, just wait until graduation night...reality finally sets in as you are walking on to the field during the pomp and circumstance.
I know how badly you want to grow up and be an adult ( trust me, i was in your shoes.Literally!) You are missing out! You have it so easy! Adulthood means worrying about money! It's aweful.Enjoy it while you can.It is great to look forward to things and to set goals, but don't forget to look around and join in the fun and laughter. I think every 17 year old is self conscious, don't be the average 17 year old. Please. I am begging you..stop worrying about what other people think of you. Love yourself.You are going to miss out on so many oppertunities and friendships if you don't stop worrying about "how you look" or "how stupid that comment was." Dr. Suess said it best, " Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind." I'll be seeing you around,
Love Kell
High school is simple. Anything that comes naturally to you will be rewarded, and anything that doesn't will be ignored. You are learning, but not learning the most important lesson. Skill without effort, talent without training, leaves you only with potential. Fear that last word. Every year older you grow the insult of the word "potential" grows. All that you have been given was earned, but not by you. Your family, your country, invested in you. Pay the respect that investment is owed. Find something you love, something you believe has value, and master it. The highest prize you can earn with excuses is pity, and even when pity is deserved its bears only cold comfort. The lifetime ahead of you can be filled, with people, adventures, achievements, and deserved pride: there will be luck, both good and bad, that win or lose moments of each. The ones you treasure will always be earned. The trophies that rest on the mantle of your mind, the memories you cherish and the people you love will not be accidents. The gift of opportunity is beautiful, prove you are worthy of it.
Dear my past self,
A few words of advice about college. The most important thing I can think of right now is to apply to as many scholarships as possible even if it may seem futile. It is also important to be more involved in your school regardless of being in the I.B. program such as doing a sport. Please take my adivce into consideration.
Your future self
The best advice I could give my high school self would be to challenge myself more and more every year of high school. Your senior year should be the most difficult year, colored with Advanced Placement classes and extra-curricular activities to help keep your brain active, your study skills sharp, and your time management in tune. Many students choose to take a lighter load their senior year since they have already applied to colleges and have the credits they need for graduation, but many college freshmen struggle with the self-discipline required to be successful in an atmosphere that is more challenging academically, yet more interesting socially.
Next, I would tell myself to do more career research before college. High school is not too early to be investigating careers by volunteering, interning, or shadowing professionals in the fields in which you may be interested. You may not find your future career but you may be able to cross things off the list before you waste your time and money in a major you will later hate. Most importantly, f you aren't sure when you begin college, focus on core classes and keep researching outside of class!
Looking back I would tell myself to work hard, dedicate most of your time to your school work, college isn't easy and you need the best grades to succeed. I would tell myself to apply for grants/scholarships as early as possible while still in high school to help fund the expensive college education that is going to carry you through life. I would most of all tell myself to respect myself enough to know that you can do anything you set your mind to and to never give up on yourself or your dreams of doing something great with your life. Never give up!!
I would tell myself that attendance & hard work is important. I really slacked off my senior year in high school (2010-2011) & it was one of the worst decisions of my grade school years. Then for the 2011-2012 school year, I didn't apply for college & missed out on a year of oppurtunities to further my education. I realized if I want to succeed, I need to be in control of myself & my studies. That's how it's going to be from now on. I have to learn to be more independent in order to achieve the goals I have in mind & make them come to life. I'm finally enrolled in college this year & I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to get back into the loop of things & start a new chapter. Psychology is my intended major. I plan to get my Associate's Degree, then transfer to a University to finish my Bachelor's & Master's. I'm going to take my own advice to be more independent/hard-working, make my own decisions, & just have fun along the way to making a better life for myself.
Looking back, I would say to myself to "study more, focus & start looking for scholarships" ! I cant say how much the adults in my life stressed that advice to me. Most of my time was spent procrastinating you know, putting things off saying, "I'll get to it later, how hard could it be"? My friends would say to me, "girl , I'm trying to tell you what I know". Only if i knew what they knew.
From my mother to everyone in between & the Lunch Lady telling me to read more, go deeper into what my project is asking of me & take a lot of notes, I don't see a reasonable reason as to why didn't I do it! Here I was thinking I had everything under control. I thought I knew what college was going to be like and my mama would handle everything like she been doing when it comes to school.
The process of starting college alone is a hassle. Classes require you to know atleast the base of the subject matter even if you weren't introduced to it in highshool. "Life will throws things at you". I remember that being said to.
“This can’t actually be happening."“I know it’s crazy, but I only have a short amount of time here before I get sent back to my time so listen up, okay?”Standing in disbelief I respond to my future self, “Okay!”“I came back to give you advise to make college even easier and to help you attain your goals even quicker. First, declare your major right away as mechanical engineering. Trust me, it’s amazing. Not only that, you’ll be able to sign up for classes earlier if you’re already declared rather than an undecided student. Second, start going to the campus now and familiarize yourself with it so you know exactly where everything is. Especially the library. You’ll be living there for the next year so start loving it! It’s an amazing building with an incredible amount of utilities for you, right at your finger tips. Take advantage them. Good luck!”“Wait! How are college parties, girls and well, everything else?!”Just as quickly as I came to see myself, I was gone. I guess I’ll have to figure out the rest on my own. I bet I can handle it.
I would advise myself to apply for more scholarships. I applied for many scholarships, but near as many as I should have. This would make my college education much easier on me.
I would begin by reassuring myself that all the work is more than worth it. That maybe I could have even worked harder. Tell myself that I didn't have to be in rush to grow up so fast and figure things out. I would convince myself to step back and really take a look at all the beautiful opportunities I could set forth for myself through the expansion of my education. I would then remind myself what a stubborn decision is was to move out on my own, and probably have a good laugh at the times I thought I was going to drown in all the stress that I had only seemed to place upon myself. I would advise myself to keep following through. That even though it may seem like the end of the world it never is. Tell myself I should have volunteered more then while I had all the time in the world compared to now ,because it is more fulfilling than any paycheck. I would advise myself to continue to look forward to my future education, and be thankful that I have a chance at bettering my life and that of those around me.