staying focus and maintaining a good Gpa so that I can be very successful .
College is not as scary as it sounds and yes all the hard work i put in in high scholl WILL pay off! Even though it seems like my school only looked at test scores it still was important that i got good grades, because in getting those good grades i developed good study habits, became a better student and was more involved with my learning. Everything you do in high school will mold you into the person you become in college. my advice for starting college is to get as involved as much as possible. the 4-5 years of college go by in a flash! there are so many thing i regret not doing freshman year because i was scared. dont hold back, experience all that you can. and last but not least GO GREEK. there is nothing like it. starting out as a freshman will give you such an advantage, it bring you in to one of the biggest networks of people you can be apart of, and the only chance you have to join is in your college years.
If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have given myself advice to prepare myself more for the cold. I came up to college thinking I would be fine without intense winter clothes. I didn't realize that winter could get so bad in a place because I came from Las Vegas where it was really hot and winters weren't that bad. This would have been great advice so I didn't have to do last minute shopping and try to find clothes that were really warm so I could make it in the snow.
The biggest word of advice that I could give myself as a high school senior would be to get involved on campus in whatever interests you, be open an unafraid of meeting others, and not to stress too much about not knowing exactly what I wanted to do in the future. College changes you as a person, often because we are exposed to a greater multitude of people with ideals and interests far different than our own. Sometimes these people, whether our classmates or instructors, play a great role in our own development. It is important to stay open minded in all aspects, and truly involve yourself in clubs and organizations, even just activities that are open to all students on campus like Football games (and anything with free food)! The more people you meet and the more activities you participate in will help guide you to your own personal path in life. Take it all in, and enjoy every moment.. even the nights spent studying until 3 in the morning. This is your time, so make it memorable and make it count.
Don't party too much, because I know you will! Don't attempt a major you don't like just to please your parents, because I know you will! Take school more seriously before your senior year, because I know you won't! This is just some of the advice I would love to go back in time and give myself before I ventured into college life. New-found freedom can be a dangerous thing for some people, and it definitely was for me. Temptation to procrastinate on school work or even skip classes is ubiquitous, and it's not easy to fight. Knowing what I know now about the tough-as-nails competition to get into graduate school, I wouldn't have taken undergrad so light-heartedly. Dangit, Sara, the first semester of freshman year is just as important as the last semester of senior year, so don't blow it!
If I could look back onto my high school self I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships, take financial aid seriously, and don't sweat the small things because it gets better. I would say that when you get into the real world people accept you for who you are and it is not a small judgemental community. People will come into your life and people will leave but they are there to teach you lessons. If you never learn these lessons you would not be able to function once you are on your own. I would tell myself to let it roll off my shoulder and do not care what other people think beacuse it truly gets better. In one phrase I would say, it gets better.
Dear Future Self,
I know that you are debating if going to medical school will be too difficult, but I promise if you stay true to your goal it will save you the time of changing majors and feel more rewarding. Lear early on to keep a planner of your school schedule, homework due dates, extracurricular activities; Phi Delta Epsilon, MedLife, and AMSA, and work so you can keep your time managed. Join the pre-med fraternity as early as possible, they will end up being some of your greatest friends and a strong support system. Try not to stress too much when you have difficult weeks. You will always make it through when you work hard. Remember to always plan time appropriately so that you can have some fun as well. Make time to go hiking and running, it is the relaxation that you need. I know you can’t make football and basketball games because you are always working, but make sure that you spend time with friends and family. Above all, make sure that you tell Gaga you love her as often as possible. You won’t have that chance for long.
Life gets better. Despite the pain of physical and emotional abuse, your future is not defined by your past. Love what you have when you have it. Your future is something to be excited about so be excited! You will be important even if you don't know what exactly you want to do for your career. Be open to experiences even if they're outside your comfort zone, that's where the best things in life lay in wait. Be strong. Be smart. Be YOU.
There are many things that I wish I could tell my senior self about college. But the biggest one, I believe, would be to keep a balance in your life. Not just in school. Not just is social affairs, but in everythere. There is always time to just relax and be with yourself, which is healthy. But then there is also time to study and work hard to achieve your goals. Along with that, it is vital that you go to class. No matter what. The balance of going to class and then being out of class is set up for a reason so you don't spend too much time in either.
I would go back and have a lot to tell myself. I would go back and tell myself that everything is going to change. Going from high school to college is a big change that can be scary. I would also make sure to tell myself that I can't be anti social because college is a great place to meet new people and make great new friends. I would want to go back and tell myself to learn how to study because professors don't really care how you study or even if you do your work so you have to stay caught up to. I would tell myself to stay close to all of my friends even though I may not hang out with them in the future it is always good to have old friends to be able to tlk to and know that they will be there for you. Those are the things that I would tell myself because now that I have been through it I realize that I wasn't prepared for everything that was coming but a lot of it is stuff that I could have doen from the start.