Be cautious of the students loans you take out, and save whatever money is left over for the following year. If you receive more money then you need, return it. Try to get employment in the field that you want sooner, thus getting more experience and knowledge about the topic. Try to be involved in more research, and take only the classes that you need. Try to make friends, don't hide from the world.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to develop better social skills. In this way, it would make it easier for me to relate to people in college. In addition, I would have told myself to get more involved in my school. By doing this, it would have made it easier to get involved in college also. I'd tell my high school self to take Advanced Placement courses in order to be better prepared for college course work. In addition, I would tell myself to learn to take risks sometimes. Also, I would have advised myself to look for scholarships sooner rather than later because I'm still looking for scholarships to help pay for my tuition. Next, I would tell myself to hang out with my friends more because it can be hard to get together when everyone has different schedules. Another thing I would tell myself is to learn to relax because stress can cause you to get bad grades even if you put in a lot of work. Last, I'd tell myself to learn to prioritize my time more efficiently.
If I could go back in time and tell my high school self anything, I would tell myself to enjoy every second of every moment in high school and being at home. One thing I would tell myself to do is to take every moment and cherish it High school flew by and I never took the chance to stop wishing it would end and start enjoying what it was like to not worry about responsiblitly and school that really matters for your future. I would tell myself to enjoy being at home with my family and closest friends. Now that I am at college, I would give anything to be able to sit down for a family dinner every week as well as call my best friend and hang out with her any day of the week. If I could go back to my high school senior self and tell myself something, it would have to be to live in the moment and to enjoy the moment when its happening. So much changes when you go to college, I would give anything to go back and relive my high school senior year.
I think the best way to learn how to do something new is to throw yourself into it and hope for the best. As a senior I wish I would have known the extent of how independent you have to become. I adjusted well and quick but for some it's much more of a challenge.
If I could send advice to my senior year highschool self, it would be to start planning early. Many of the different problems I encountered during my freshman year was due to lack of planning, such as the lack of a microwave and fridge. The lack of both of these tools made my life harder than it had to be for no reason. Another problem I faced is the many conflicts I had with my roommate, these conflicts would have never happened if I had applied for my housing on time. Another piece of advice I would give my former self is to take as many advanced placement classes as I could, the extra credit would be extremely helpful and would actually prevent me from having to take extra classes over the summer as I have to now.
Now that I've been in college for a semester, I look back and wish there was some things I would’ve done in high school. I should’ve applied for more scholarships, taken Calculus, and applied to the University of Washington. Most of all, I wish I would’ve spent more time with my friends I wasn’t going to college with. Out of my three closest friends, only one was going a different path. I took the time I spent with him for granted and I regret it. I would often just show up to his house and hang out with him spending hours just playing Call of Duty or out getting Roberto’s. However I wish I still hung out with him more. It never seemed like it was enough. I wish I would have went to California with him over Christmas, hung out with his group for prom, or went to more concerts with him. Now I hardly see him or speak with him, and I wish I had built a better connection with him before we parted ways. I can only learn from my mistake and ensure I won't repeat it.
Never give up and work hard towards accomplishing my goals.
When i graduated i was so impatient, wanted things fast. i ended up with a lot debts and a uncertain path. things in life are not like that, everything has its time. There is a time to be born, a time to live, and a time to die . We cannot force life nor its ways. everyday is a lesson and that is why you got to take things slowly. Every mistake you make do not take as such, but take as another lesson, try to understand why is it happening, what you did make to make it happen, and what can you learn while you go thorugh it. sometimes bad things happen to us, but we do not realize they are not bad things is just life trying to make us open our eyes, trying to give us a lesson, trying to make us a better person instead we focus on unimportant, and we miss the important message and the lesson keeps repeating over and over until we grasp its meaning, do not be one of those persons, pay attention to life, to what is trying to tell you, so the lesson does not repeat. Always keep your eyes open
Claudia Avendandano, you as a senior, you should consider the possibility of taking dual enrollment courses. knowing that it will be a advantage to your education in college; those classes can be taken earlier so , as a college student the focus can be placed in the courses you need for your career pathway. Another advice given to you is to not procrastinate during your spare time. College requires all the time and concentration to make the best of you. During high school get informed of all the entrance exams that your chosen colllege mandates, so you can take those in high school with a waver the high school provides. The more you know the more advantaged you are in the competition their is in the field you want to pursue. Take this time to get involved in your community and after school curricular activities. All these advice mentioned above is to help with the trasition from high school to college.
I would give myself many different advices. I did not know the importance of college during my high school years. I started knowing the importance of it when I started it. The advice I would give it to myself is that I should have taken college classes during my high school years because that could saved me some time and money. I used to see students taking college classes during their high school years but I didnt know it would be this important. I would also give myself an advice of knowing what my major is going to be since then. I didnt know what my major was going to be until my sophmore year which made me fall a semester behind. But taking summer and winter classes ahead, I will try to catch up and not be late.