University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Nevada-Reno know before they start?


Follow the advice of those around you and start from the bottom up. Knowing a second or third language is extremely important so don't be afraid to start learning them now! There is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you set your mind to it so don't let anyone tell you "No"! Take the road that interests you the most and that will not necessarily be the practical one. By taking the classes that interest you, you will have an easier time in the long run and have greater success.


I would definately tried to join a group, sport or club my freshman year to meet more people and get myself out there. Things could have been alot easier if I had done this I think. I could be more involved in my school and this could possibly have helped the situation I am in right now. If I had joined some sort of activity I may have been able to recieve financial aid so that I would be able to continue my education right now. I could have had more opportunities to succeed if I had done so.


The advice I would give myself is to never get behind and always try to stay afloat. Attending college now, I've learned that time management is the true key to success. It's important to have fun and really appreciate the college life, but it's also as vital to stay focused and maintain in school. So in order to do both, it really comes down to making the right decisions and planning correctly. I would also tell myself to really focus on scholarships and finding different avenues to get through college. Officially in college, I've really seen first hand how expensive it can be; from the books, the dorms, meal plans, and then the classes itself. Looking back now, I wish I would have found out about scholarships and ways to pay for college instead of waiting for the last minute. However, this is the advice I would give myself looking back, but I definitely wouldn't change anything. Some of these mistakes in high school has made me stronger and even wiser as a young adult that will be helpful in my future and career.


If you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly bear! Get into the best College you can and don't worry so much about how much it costs. Do some research and get out of town to see something that might spark an interest inside. One of the most important things about college is to select a field of study that you are passionate about. Chose something that inspires you to do great work. You will see a lot of people that dread learning, but learning can be quite fascinating if you love the topic. Face challenges head on and don't let "naysayers" affect your decisions. Save your money and study abroad. The world is a huge place , don't limit yourself to one city your whole life. Get out there and see it! You might just fall in love with a foreign land and discover a whole new purpose or meaning to your life. And just one quote to go by: "If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life."


To be honest, I'm actually very proud of my high school senior self. I studied hard and ended the year with a 4.0. Despite my studying, I didn't do well on my AP tests. I definitely shouldn't have let my brother convince me that AP tests hardly help with college because they do. I missed out on 9 credits because I didn't take the tests seriously. On the other hand, the 6 I did get fulfilled science and math requirements (my least favorite subjects) and have made all the difference in the world. Had I taken the time to study for those other tests, I'd be further along in college and I could put those feats under my belt. Ultimately, I would tell myself, "AP matters. Buckle down and study, Courtney!"


If I could go back in time to my senior year, the advice I would give myself is to fill more scholarship applications as well as take your AP tests more seriously. Also when you?re moving from home it?s not easy at first but it will get easier as time goes by. You do not need to pack everything leave the non important stuff at home. As well as respect your parents because in the end when you need money for books or other college expenses they are the ones who can help you out. Embrace the time you have while your home.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus on my studies. There are many temptations in college and not so much homework. The grades in college are determined by tests and essays. So I would tell myself to work hard and study instead of going out and about so my grades would be good.


I would say to myself, that college is a very open free environment, and to push myself! Take more than what is considered full time, join clubs and groups. Do not party, its a waste of time for everything you do today is the foundation for what your life will be tomorrow. Enjoy your life and dont stress over the little things!


Do. Don't be afraid to put yourself into new situations. Say yes, play halo with the funny smelling guys next door, mess with your RA, get a noise complaint, open strange doors. Someone much smarter than me once said, (paraphrased badly for the purpose of authenticity) you will regret the things you don't do more than the ones you do. These years in college have more than affirmed that quote for me and I would love for young Sam to be as rambunctious as his heart desires.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college is very difficult. You have to keep your eye on the prize, don't procrastinate, and study hard. I have been unfortunately blessed with the procrastination disease and it has made me suffer horribly in my college career, I hope that I can change that this year.