University of Nevada-Reno Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Nevada-Reno know before they start?


A student must be prepared to motivate his/herself to study diligently every single day. Do not worry about missing a party or finding dates. These gratifications will hold a solid place for the student AFTER graduation. I promise, it is always better to make the grade the first time around. Also from experience, meet with your academic advisor at least once a semester. Do not take classes you will not need! Spread classes that are directly related to your major out over your time at college so you will not be pressed to take classes you are not ready for. I know this because I took every class available to me at a community college before transferring. This has lead to my professors needing to give me a waiver for almost every class I enroll in now. Meet with your advisor and lay out a schedule that is the most conducive to learning. If a student studies effectively, does not party, and takes the time to make sure they are on the right track with an advisor, he/she will make the most out of the time at college!


really look into what you want to do and what major you are going into. look at the surrounding community and not only the campus itself as far as what there is to do there, the city transportation, and the economy of the area.


The best advice I would give is to really think about what it is you want to do. From there it is all about the commitment and what you put into your education. You will get out what you put in. You cannot always rely on instructors to provide the best education, you have to take the initiative and put in the effort as well to really receive the education you want.


Whether you decide to stay in the same city you grew up in or go and explore a new area the first and most important step in choosing a college is visiting the campus. Pictures can only tell you so much. By visiting a campus you can decide and envision yourself as a student there, if you can't well then at least you know its not for you. Talk to a student at the university and set standards on what kind of education your want (like if you want to be taught by a professor or graduate student, small classes or big lecture halls). Once you get onto your campus the best advice is to get involved whether its just for fun or helps your academic and career goals. You meet people with similar goals, make instant friends, and its something you can later use on a resume. College is the best time to open your eyes to new things and make memories to last you a lifetime.


Although cost is usually a big concern for most students, I would focus on finding the school that best fits your overall goals such as if the degrees offered best suit your professional goals, etcetera. Accreditation is also an important factor for many students also.


With 2,363 colleges to choose from in the US, it?s no wonder why there is so much confusion about deciding where to go. Picking a college is like purchasing a home for the first time. Initially, it has to be attractive and have character. Secondly, it needs to have a strong foundation and the proper amenities. Finally, the location and price have to be right. The individual has to bring something to the table as well. Throughout the application process, colleges search for students who stand out above the rest with good grades, adequate SAT scores, and personality. Obviously, some universities have a more competitive acceptance criteria than others based on their prestige. That?s why it is so important to research potential colleges while keeping your interests in mind. What?s suitable for someone else might not be for you. Be sure to apply with several colleges to maximize your options just in case your #1 choice doesn?t work out. Even though college prepares you for a career, make the most of your learning experience by working concurrently with school to also gain the professional skills necessary to prepare you for success in the real world.


Students, in order to make the most of the college experience, one needs to know themselves. It is important to keep in mind likes and dislikes, for example are you an outdoorsy or city person, do you like big populations or smaller populations? Picking the right enviornment is essential; there are more layers to college than studying or going out. College is not about being shy. Once you are in college, you need to open up your mind to a different world. If you live in the dorms, have your door open, meet people with same or different interests that could potentially become your best friends for the rest of your life. Get involved! Not only will extracurricular activities give you something else to think about aside from studying, studying, studying, but the people you meet there will most likely help you academically as well. You never know, you might just meet a literature or math genius! Parents, never make money an issue. There is really a lot of financial aid out there. Sometimes choosing the pricier school over the less expensive school, could give your child a richer college experience and offer a brighter, full of opportunities future.


I would recommend looking at the cost of each college and checking out the housing, campus and student body of each college. One last thing find if the college offers intercollegiate sports or clubs that you would be interested in joining.


My number one piece of advice would be to follow your gut inctinct. If something is holding you back, then don't go. however, don't let it be money be the issue. You only have these short four years to expierence college, and if you don't make the most of it you will always wonder "what if". Also, get involved. This will be stressed a ton when you are first looking at colleges, but it's the only thing that will make you want to succeed and be able to find yourself.


The most important advice i would give is to make sure you, the student, is happy. That is the most important thing becuase this is going to be four years of your life. Make sure the college you want to attend has the necessary programs for your degree and then go from there. Make sure the college is located in an area you will enjoy. Talk to friends and see if they are maybe going to the same college because then you can have roomates in the dorms and experiance college together. Visit the campus. But most importantly make sure you will be able to afford it. If not, look into getting scholarships so that way you aren't stressed about paying for everything. You want to completely focus on school and have no worries.