I am involved with greek life. I think that we do alot and do not get credit for it. Hockey and football are the most popular. I think people party 2-3 times a week. I think that fraternities and sororities are extremely important they give you an experience you wont be able to find anywhere else. You grow such close bond with people and networking is a plus.
I think the Greek system is pretty large on campus, but I wouldn't say they're the most popular. The Greek system gets a bad reputation because of the fraternities that have parties but rarely participate in any philanthropy events or attend other non-greek events.
On campus, it depends on what dorm you're in, but in general it's hard to make friends unless you're a freshman. People seem to have their group of friends by the time sophomore year comes around, and it's hard to make friends after that. Going to UNH is tough for in-state students sometimes because a lot of kids from the same high school end up here, and they stay friends with their friends from HS, so by sophomore year when you're tired of them it's hard to make new friends.
i think intermereal sports are bery popular on campus- even though i dont play sports. i am in alpha phi. when i lived in a dorm, for the most part, people left thier dorms open. i met my closet friend freshmen year-they all lived on the same floor as me...
The most popular groups are football players, hockey team, cheerleaders, and Greeks.
I am involved in Alpha Phi at UNH. Its a great organization that has a lot ot offer. I didnt leave my door open in the dorms because i barely knew anyone on my floor. Football and Hockey games are popular athletic events. I met my closest friends during rush.
I dont think it is possible to say who is the most "popular" i think it all depends on what you are involved in. This campus is so big that there is no one popular group of people. I am involved with the Chi Omega sorority. From my experience, students do not leave their doors open in the dorms. I never lived in a freshman only dorm and i feel that maybe there students might be more open to meeting new people and leaving their doors open, but no not where i have ever lived. If i am awake at 2am on tuesday i would most likely be watching tv or talking with my rommate. I also think the amount of parting depends on the group of people they hang out with and the kind of people they are. I have been to other schools and see way more parting than goes on at UNH and they are not even on the list of party schools. I think that as far as off campus parties there may be a lot but as far as oncampus parties i do not think it is big. Some saturday nights i just like to go out to dinner and a movie with friends and take a night to just relax. I rarley go off campus but if i do it is to shop or see a movie or go out to dinner or go to the ocean.
Greek life is huge but everyone is represented in various groups. Athletics are also big, especially hockey and the athletes always get special recognition or treatment. My closest friends are in my sorority and basically everything I do socially comes from that. Saturday night non-drinking events are ALWAYS in the MUB and there's definitely something going on there.
Without a doubt the most prevalent groups on this campus are the Greeks because they are involved in so many things. For instance, most of my time is dedicated to campus activities involving my sorority, Chi Omega. Most of the students in the dorms leave their doors open because they feel so safe. The athletic events here are ridiculously popular because we usually win our games. I met my closest friends through my classes. If I was awake at 2 am on a Tuesday I would be wandering around my dorm talking to anyone that had their door open. A lot of people party on campus but nothing gets too out of control.
Tons to do, tons to get involved such as school organizations, outside interests, leadership series, outside knowledge conferences and workshops, sports, greek life etc.
There isnt one organization that is more popular then any other but I would say that the greek community and athletics are the two largest orgs on campus. I am currently in a sorority something i thought i would never do and have loved every minute of it. There is something here for everyone.