University of North Florida Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of North Florida?


People who should not attend this university are those looking to mess around and party their way through college. Even though many students want to have the "college experience", that does not justify behavior that could negatively influence other students or be harmful to the person looking to have a "good time". There are many ways to have a great time in college without committing destructive behavior.


Someone who enjoys small classes.


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Someone who likes a lot of excitement and campus activities, like attending Football games.


UNF has a strong committment to diversity, both on a ethnic and cultural level. Someone who is not comfortable with the LBGT community or with a wide range of religions and nationalities probably would not enjoy UNF's campus aesthetic. However, UNF's policy is one of strict inclusion, so there are clubs and Greek organizations to accomidate majorities as well as minorities. The University does not accept intolerance, so if a person has serious issues with alternative lifestyles or religions, they would do well to look elsewhere.


UNF is a very small university with very little to offer people who want to party, be involved in Greek life and watch footballs games every weekend. There are a lot of people who expect college to be a continual party and UNF does not cater to that lifestyle. These people would probably feel their "education" was horrible if they went to UNF. However, people like myself who are interested in their education would thoroughly enjoy going to UNF with its small classroom sizes, a campus that takes a few minutes to walk the entire length and an extensive library


If you are looking for a school with a large student population, UNF isn't the school for you. it is a fairly small campus due to its lack of a football team. Also, if you would like a school that acts quickly in regards to forms and financial aid, maybe you should look elsewhere.




People who are looking for an easy ride definitely should not attend this school. Every professor I have had dedicates their time and effort for 16 weeks (a semester) to teach you, and if you are not their to learn they do not want you in their class. If you don't like being pushed and driven you also should not attend this school; this is what the professors are great at!

