University of North Florida Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of North Florida?


anyone should attend


Cheaters, con-artists, people who only want to take online classes, people who can not afford gas money


You should not consider UNF if you are looking for a big & busy school. The campus is smaller and very relaxed.


UNF and the Jacksonville community at large would not cater to students who need a metropolitan university setting.


Someone who is very very sports generated. This school is not very spirited.


People who shouldn?t attend these schools are people who like very big universities and aren?t too involved within the social environment of the school. If you are not into the campus events and activities as well as taking advantage of free classes and recreational facilities, in such that your primary objective is to go to class and back home, then this school isn?t the right fit. If you like auditorium size classes where you are just a number and not an individual, than this school isn?t for you.


The person who shouldn't attend this school would be a lazy person that is easily distracted. There is a lot going on at this school all the time. So if you can't get your priorites straight then you might get caught up in unimportant activities and neglect your school work.


Someone with a lack of responsibility, respect and readiness to learn should not attend this school.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is something looking to party 24/7. We have fraternites and sororities but they are still farely new and we do not have a football team, so school spirit is on the low side. If you are looking for an all out party, go elsewhere.


There isn't anyone who shouldn't be allowed to attend this school. As long as a person has made the grades to be admitted and has the drive and desire to get a degree and further their education why shouldn't they get the chance?