An individual who does not take college seriously and wants to attend college only for sports. This college is academic focused first, then athletics second. Another kind of person who should not attend this college is someone who is not ready for the tremendous workload in store. There are many professors who give large amounts of work to their students in order to prepare them for the real world. Also, if a person is lazy and non-commited to schoolwork, then the individual then the person does not need to attend college.
The University of North Florida is a smaller school so anyone that wants the college town experience should not attend. It does not have a football team so school spirit is a little lack and atheletics are not high priority.
This school is very laid back, but very into studying and doing well. Anyone who is just out of high school that is not willing to open up a book and do some serious studying, I wouldn't recommend applying for this University. A more affordable, community college would probably be your best bet if your not serious about school.
Someone who wants a medium-sized school without a football team.
A person who is lazy and not ready to acheive great things in life.
The type of person that shold not attend that University of North Florida is someone who doesn't want to do their course work. This is not the toughest school in the nation but if you do not apply yourself you will not make it to graduation. Always go to class and read what the professor assigns. TheUnivesity is not a very strong athletic performer. We just became D1 about a year ago. Perhaps one day we will make a name for ourselves but haven't yet. If college sports is what you want , UNF will not deliver.... yet.
The type of person who shouldn't attend UNF is someone who likes a big campus with large lecture classes. Also a person who really wants to get involved with extra curricular activities such as being involved in Greek life or attending football teams or other sporting events.
Someone, who doesn't want to succeed, someone who thinks that they will be able to survive without studying, and someone who wants a football team.
A person not willing to be involved in activities. Since we dont have a football team it is important to find other ways to be active on campus.
The kind that have no plans whatsoever for their future.