University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known about the scholarship opportunities offered.


Orientation is actually helpful!


I wish that I had known that the how long it would take to get to classes from dorm that I'm living in now.


I should bring a skateboard


I wish I had known about the surrounding demographics and crime index. Crime is well above average. I am finding out through trial and error that if you do live off campus, there are some neighborhoods that are safer than others. Regardless, I am happy overall with my choice to attend this school.


I am from Jacksonville, Florida so I knew an abundant amount before attending University of North Florida.


I don't really wish that anyone gave me certain advice because I enjoyed discovering things and resolving situations on my own. While someone suggesting taking less credit hours would have been helpful, I do not feel that it would have had a large impact on my life.


How many people leave on the weekends.


I wish i knew what i wanted to do as far as my major goes, but Its hard to know when your 18. I didnt put much thought into it and kind of went throught the motions for the first couple years. Now at 23 i know that i want to do art education, but it would have saved alot of money and time to know that as a freshman. Try to have a direction and goal through out school and it will make it alot easier to graduate in 4 years.


I wish I knew how little financial help I would have gotten.