University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have realized how much money my parents would actually be spending on my 4 years in college. I received 2 scholarships from UNF upon my acceptance to the school, but after this semester those funds run out. My parents own a cabinet business and with this poor economy and my out of state expenses, they have really been hurt financially. I wish I would have saved more money before moving to Florida so I could help my parents out with my rent, books, or tuition to make their life easier.


How much motivation I would need, and how important it is to take classes seriously!


I wish I would have known that I could not enter the graduate program of my major if I was in the undergraduate first.


How expensive it was going to be. I knew that college would be expensive, but I was unaware of the fact that the tuition was going to rise every year.


I wish I had better study habits because highschool was really easy. UNF is not too much harder, but I was not efficient enough to take time to study or work on longer papers.


Parking is always an issue.


I wish I knew how easy it is to get behind in school work and that it is difficult to get a job if you dont apply before school starts. I also wish i realized how much everything costs and how important it is to budget.


I wish I had been advised to take more than 12 credit hours per semester...but I suppose that is partly my fault.


I wish I had known and properly prepared myself the amount of focus and determination required to do well academically. The is no doubt that the challenging nature of the courses will more than prepare students for future academic and professional endevors.


How much time I had to do class work while being a student athlete..