University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How amazing the faculty and staff are. I didn't take advantage of the opportunities as I should have when I first started, and I think I would have taken it more seriously had I known.


what my major would be


I wish I would have known how awful dorm life was. The dorms for the most part are very nice but they are extremely loud. In my opinion, the school should try to better match students with their roommates.


More about scholarships and financial aid


I wish that I would have known more about the programs of study that they offered. It may be helpful to graduating high school students to participate in a walk through to get a feel for what it will be like.


I wish someone would have been able to mentor me on how important it is to do well the first two years. The first two year of college were a repeat of high school. I wish there were metors assigned to incoming freshman that would explain the importance of career and major choices, as well as, what professors to take, which ones not to take, and what is the best advice for planning your schedule. Also, I would have like to have known more about the lack of emphasis that is put on sports at UNF.


How the course selection process towards your major worked.


There is not a huge variety of majors, so if I weren't a Psychology major, I would feel more limited.




I wish I would have been told more about the meal plan options in terms of what and where I can eat. There are limited options on campus, and the meal plan does not fully cover all restaurants on campus.