University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


As an undergrad, I wish I had been aware of the student health services and counseling center. As a student, I little money and no insurance. These services would have really helped me had I known about them early on.


there is no parking!


I wish that I would have know before begining my Masters in Nurse Practitioner Family practice that I would be spending alot of time doing assignment that did not focus on learning more as a knowledgeable practitioner but rather geared towards a professional writer.


I wish I had known more about the courses available, study abroad opportunites, and programs available.


I wish I had known what I wanted to major in before coming to this school.


Before I came to the Univeristy of North Florida, I wish I had known how happy I was going to be. All through high school, I struggled academically, socially, and emotionally. If I had known that in just four short years I would be attending a wonderful school in a beautiful city in an intellectually stimulating environment, with great friends, great food, and tons of great things to do, I wouldn't have been nearly as depressed as I had been. I'm really glad I chose UNF, and I highly recommend it to future college students.


Before arriving for my first semester at the University of North Florida it would have been nice to know more proper studying techniques. For instance reading (as with most schools) is paramount in your academic success; it took me awhile to figure out how to read properly for classes. Knowing what information is most important in what you're reading and how to filter out the filler is a skill that took me some time to develop. Proper highlighting and notetaking is another skill that I would have liked to mastered before entering the university.


I wish that I had known about the Honors Program that UNF offers before I had applied to the school. There are many learning opportunities and privileges that arise from being an honors student. I also wish that I had known more about financial aid and how early I should have started applying for scholarships and grants. They would definitely have been a great help to have earned, had I applied to them early enough. Also, would have been a great website to have known about before signing up for my first semester of classes.


As with most schools, parking is a huge issue. You need to arrive early to get a spot.


I dont think i wish i would have known somthing more about this school. I was very much informent and familure with the school do to the advisors help. I might have hoped to be offered somemore financial aid though. I was informed that everybody was able to get financial aid but i was denied even with a single mother. So somemore help with money would have been nice but I am very happy with what I've experienced so far. I have not experienced any suprises that I didnt know about yet.