University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wished that I had known how difficult it was going to be to get your choice of classes each semester.


I wish I had known how great this experience would be. I was a bit iffy on choosing UNF but I know I made the right choice.


Study hard its not just a picnic.


I wish I knew the layout of the school better.


I wish I had know that some of the departments at this school is a lot more challenging than others. Some of the classes are very challenging to the point where you have to try to learn the material on your own.


I don't think there is anything that I can think of. . .


about the road construction


I wish I had known that college would be one of the greatest times of my life and how much I would change and grow; if I had known this, I probably wouldn't have panicked so much before graduation.


that it is hard to find parking spot


That taking AP class will help you finish college on time or shorten the time.