Knowing what I know now, I would change a few things about myself in high school. There isn't many that I would change, but one is I would tell myself to take all the science classes I could. I went to Vo-Tech for cosmetology, so I didn't take some classes that would help me in the nursing program. I would've told myself to slow down and have fun as a kid. I worked six days a week from my junior year until now. I was working at a hair salon, but quit to focus on school. I don't regret that decision at all because I'll like my paychecks better as a nurse. I starting school in the spring term instead of the fall term. I was scared to fail and thought I wanted to be a hairstylist at the time. My boss also gave me a raise to stay and not go to school. Looking back now, I would tell myself that I could have made it just fine. I can do anything that I put my heart into. I would also tell myself that college is very hard, but is worth my time.
Knowing what I know about college now I would tell my senior high school self to apply to more scholarships because college will be day you know the true value of dollar. Another I would tell my past self is to take college serious. The classes are no joke and the professor will not hesitate to fail you and tell you not to come back to class. The last advice I have is to start taking your high school classes serious because even the classes you believe are pointless have some value too them.
If I could go back to being a Senior in high school I would tell myself to start saving money now! I would also tell myself that even though something may be difficult if you push through the circumstances you will make it through.
College can have some of the same features as highschool, yet at the same time very different. There are more responsibilities as well as requires a lot more self motivation. In college, mom isn't waking you up, packing your lunch, and getting you to school on time. You have to know where you are goin and when and how to get there. College life requires accountability. If you miss class, it is up to you contact your teacher and get yourself caught up. College life has been portrayed to be a big party and it's not. Along with self motivation and accountability, you have to be well organized and always on tract. Schedules vary, things get confusing, but always keep it in the back of your head that this will all be worth it one of these days. I know it seems like you will be in school for the rest of your life after 4 years of high school. But, I can personally guarantee you if you don't take college seriously, it will be one of your biggest regrets. It doesn't seem like it now, but take my word for it. It is a guarantee!
Dear Meni,
You’re finally a SENIOR! You’re probably thinking, “OH YEAH! I’m a senior! CLASS OF 2012!", well you really need to relax. This is the year you really need to focus. There’s no time for slacking off; colleges have their "binoculars", looking at your GPA, extracurricular activities, and ACT/SAT scores. This is some advice I will need you to follow through your senior year and towards your first year of college:
1.Don’t Be Afraid Participate in Class Discussion
I know it’s very nerve racking to state your opinion because you may think that your answer is wrong but, remember, just go with your instinct.
2.Learn to Take Responsibility
You had your chance to do whatever you wanted because your parents or teachers were able to fix it, but now it’s time to be accountable for your actions.
3.Always Be Yourself
Never feel obligated to change who you are, no matter what anyone says.
Do the best you can and if the results don’t come out the way you wanted, just know that you tried your best while others don’t try themselves.
Your Future Self,
I thought college was going to be similar to high school as far as homework and reporting to class is concerned. I thought if you miss a class, the instructor would review the material. And if an assignment is missed, there would be some leniency so that it could be turned in late. Again, I failed to realize that there would be consequences for those actions. If I do not turn in an assignment on time or report to class, I earn a zero for the assignment and have to find another way to learn what I missed in class. If I knew then what I know now, on the first day of school I would have been better prepared to handle the challenges of collegiate academics and the lack of privacy that prevails in dorm life. Specifically, my habit of procrastination when it came to studying or completing assignments left me ill-prepared for the demands of navigating class schedules and assignments, while sharing a bedroom and bathroom in the dormitory poses challenges of a much more personal nature. Now that I have been here for a year I would warn high school self about the dangers of college.
The best advice that I could give to a highschool senior is just to keep moving forward.
Remember, life is never hard; it's just how you perceive life. Being a high school senior myself, I've learned a great deal of how to take control and moving at my own past of life.
You're going to make mistakes. At times you will look back with some regrets, but just don't be hard on yourself. Keep going and never look back.
Stepping into a new era of education, I made myself a promise. I promised myself to devote my time and energy to nothing but achieving the best I can, and I'm glad that so far I have kept this promise and I hope you will as well.
Transition to adulthood can be difficult. Never forget its all about how you perceive the world. Be in charge of your life.
You are a bright soul who has so much potential in life. You deserve all the best. Don't lose your momentum to keep moving forward. Take baby steps. YOU CAN DO IT!!
-Truly yours
If i could go back in time to my senior year of high school, i would tell myself to not give up on our dream. I would tell myself about the history i've had with other colleges and reccomend they start with hostos community college becuase it has he right programs we need there. and to focus and keep studying to graduate and transfer toa four year college.
If I could go back in time I would definitely tell my self to try not to procrastinate. I was a huge procrastinator in high school. College is way different than high school, you cant just tell your teacher "oh I forgot I had a paper due today, I'll bring it in tomorrow." It doesn't work like that in college, you'll get a zero, most professors have a low tolerance for things like that. Another thing I would tell myself would be save your money! Everyone wasn't lying when they said all college students are broke. Unless you have very wealthy parents most of the time you'll be broke unless you get a job. Also never give up, your freshman year will be the hardest so just stay focused and do as much extra credit a possible. you'll definetly need it.
If I was capable of going back into time I would tell myself first too take my time with my future and not rush into guessing what it is I want to do with it. I would let myself know that loving what you do, and appreciating what you have is the most important task in life. I would also let myself know that the journey forward to adulthood would not be easy, but worth every second. I would tell myself to take more pictures, and write in a journal. And also too appreciate every second I had.