I would tell my high school self to not be so afraid! When going into college its important to be open minded but at the same time to be aware of the consenquences and being aware of the surroundings. I was so afraid when I first go to school. I was known to be so innocent. I talked to people but didnt really do much, so I was bored all of the time. Being silly is apart of college, its when knowing when play time is over is what matters really.
If I could go back and talk to myself when i was in high school, I would tell myself not to stress so much. That things will work out as long as you let them. I would also tell myself to save save save! because college is exspensive Tuiton, Gas money, books, and all the medical items I had to have done to qualify for nursing. The last thing i would tell myself is that i can make it in college, that there is no need to doubt myself in anyway because in the end everything will be worth it.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to try harder in Chemistry. I could have gotten a better grade, But The most important thing that I would tell myself about college is that I picked the right major. I love what I am doing Physical Therapy Assistant is exactly what I want to do. And that college life is not going to be anything like I thought. It's hard yes. But there's time for freinds and when you love what you're doing then everything is worth it. And most of all never give up. Not even when I finally finish.
Take college seriously; every semester counts. School is your number one priority, not friends. It's okay to have fun, but keep school your biggest focus.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, what would I say? I would first start out with saying you need to study hard. You go to college to get an education, not to party and have fun. I would also tell myself to try to ignore drama and find friends who support your education and actually want to work hard. I would also say to take things seriously. The reason I would say this is because one day if you don't take things seriously, then maybe you could be out of college and not be able to go back because of the mistakes you made. I know if I would go back in time I would prepare myself fully for the college experience.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to carefully research the computer engineering field, and dont be afraid to make changes, because the longer you wait, the harder it affects you in the future and the slower it wil take to start an actual career. If I could go back in time, i would go back and tell myself to consider going to an out of state school which would benefit me more.
I would of did less cramming, and actually taught myself better studying habits because college work is fast pace with alot of material to take in.
If I could go back to August 30th I would. And while am there, I would change my effort on math
So far this term, after math class I have held off on doing my homework, when it was time to do it. I would give half effort on my math . My habits became consistent in allowing myself to give half effort on any math assignment. I noticed my homework started to affect my test scores. The problem was due to the fact that I never checked my answers to see if they were right. And if they were wrong, I would be studying from wrong solutions. Therefor I would familiarize myself with wrong work which showed on my math test results. This was a result of me to giving half effort on my homework. If I could go back to August 30th, I would do my homework with full effort. I have begun to ask my professor for help after class on a concept that I don’t understand. Also I have begun to review my math homework and work on practice quizzes. Most importantly I have started to check my math solutions to make sure they are correct.
The advice I would give myself if I were to go back as a high school senior is to visit more college campuses. I would actually research more about colleges before making a choice right away.
Knowing what I know now as a college student – I would honestly give myself the advice to be prepared to expect the unexpected to happen, as you never know what might happen in the future ahead of you, to use and manage the funds I might receive for college very wisely, and also to take better care of myself and my diabetes, as well as to not let my diabetes stop me from getting involved with what I love to do, or being more open to making friends with other students too.