I would advise myself not to stress. High school was such a precious time and i wish I had enjoyed it more. Transitioning to college really means growing up, taking care of myself, and being an adult. It is a very hard transition. I think I have handled it well and everything has worked out fine. I would tell myself not to worry about the future.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself. that college is nothing like highschool Be prepared and stay focused. I would tell myself to get organized and stay on the path of success. That i'm not a child anymore and it's time to make something of my life. I would advise myself to do what the teacher assigns and i will pass the class. also that I need to do this for me, not for anyone else. And that in 15 years that girl, those friends and that car might not be there and if i want anything to show for my years as a young adult, I should make the most of my college education.
If I could go back in time and have a talk with my 17 year old self I would certainly give myself the advice to go to college immediately. I have waited 30 years to return to school and the transition that I have had to make from the working world to the full time college world has certainly been a challenge. I am pretty sure that if I had gone to college in 1980 I would not have found it as difficult on a day to day basis. I would most definitely have an encouraging talk with myself and push myself toward that college career while my brain is still young!
I would tell myself to prepare to be challenged in college. I would encourage myself and say that there's nothing I can't do if I just focus on it. The transition to college life was a challenge, I would encourage myself to be more independent and responsible. I would tell myself that no one is going to force me to get to class on time and finish assignments, I have to push myself. I would tell myself that there are incredible opportunities and to be ready to take them as they are offered to me. In regard to schoolwork, I would encourage myself to take advantage of the great resources schools and the libraries offer, and spend a lot of time studying in the library. I would tell myself to take time to get to know my professors and their expectations, and then try to exceed them. I would tell myself to be excited, because college is an awesome adventure and I'll only experience it once, so take every opportunity to learn and enjoy college life.
First, I would tell myself not to slack off my senior year. That was my biggest mistake in high school. I would also tell myself to set time aside everyday to study. The differences in the amount of material you have to learn in high school and college are astronomical, and learning to study is one of the hardest things about college life. I study about twenty-five hours a week now compared to high school, where I studied about five minutes before my test. Studying is a skill that can only be aquired through practice. I wish that someone would have prepared me for the extreme changes from high school to college. If I could have had the chance to prepare again, studying would my number one priority in high school.
I have learned valuable lesson here. This campus is where a lot of changes happen for me. Not be able to go home when I want to and doing everything on my own wa hard at first. I used to it really fast though. Being here taught me how to manage my time so that I have enough time to get everything done and still have time to relaxed. It valuable for me to attend because for me its one step closer to my dream. I know that not being here I would not be able to achieve what I want and life. By not achieving that I will not be succeeding in life. Being in college actually means a lot to me. Its hard but as long as I have this mind set I know I will achieve !
My name is Tony Deshaun Manuel. I am a sophomore at Pulaski Technical College. I graduated from Hall High School in 2008. After I graduated from High School, I enrolled to Pulaski Technical College. This will be my second year at Pulaski Technical College. My goal is, to attend to 4-year-university. My ultimate goal is to become a businessman, hoping to own my business one day. I am currently taking 12-hours so I can transfer to a 4-year-university. I have learned that I have to depend on myself I can't depend on my teachers, I have to depend on me. College is much more than just pursuing another level of education its an experience that will make me a better, wiser, and more intelligent person. I hope one day when i have children that they too will attend college and get the same experience that i have experienced. College does have similarities as high school, but they do not have as many hours and study time as college do. That is something that i definitely had to get use to is studying more now I am use to it. i am use to it.
I believe that out of my three years experience on this campus I have learned so much. I have learned more than just what is taught in my classes, but what other classmates have taught me from their classes, their life experiences, along with teamwork, being a responsible adult, and the importance of reaching out to the community and keeping in touch with family.
I feel that being here has helped me get the extra help I needed to help me reach my goal in becoming a physical therapist. If I didn?t have professors that cared about their students passing, I would have never felt comfortable about approaching them to explain things that seemed unclear to me. They want us to know the information so that us students can become the best in the fields we are applying into which, when we go for our job interviews or even graduate class interviews we will be well prepared. So every day I learn something new; either in the class room, in the dorms, or just around town. It has opened me up to new things and allowed me to become a more rounded person.
I would tell my self as a high school senior to visit college campuses more. The current school I am enrolled in, does not reflect me in any way. It is rural and nothing to do. I came from the city, therefore I am used to the busy life of a city, compared to the farm life. Also, to look at the opportunities the university offers. I personally like to study abroad, and this was one of the reasons I choose this university. They have a very creditable programs that offers many oppurtunities for undergraduates. Out of state is alluring however, not always the most intelligent. Being on your own is every teenagers dream, being away from parental supervision, however you tend to miss your family the most. Definetly do not follow your friends in their decisions. You need to become an independent adult and not follow your best friend or significant other to their dream school. Keep in mind, that it is okay to change your major. There is no point waking up each day miserable regreting choosing this career. Finally, keep in mind each year school tution goes up 7 percent. Remember to consider scholarships and financial aid.
When I was a high school senior, I remember being nervous about coming to college. I know that the hardest thing I had to deal with was self-scheduling. I would've told myself not to be so nervous, and not to be scared of the other people. There were so many other freshmen in my position, and that was so much of a relief. The other students were really helpful too. Finding buildings on a small campus isn't too complicated, but finding rooms can be a little confusing. I would've probably reassured myself that once I got settled in, I would begin to make friends and enjoy myself at college. I believe my teachers in high school prepared me for the courses that I took my first semester, but I wish I would've paid a lot more attention to what they said. So basically, to sum it up, I wish that I would've been more relaxed in high school, and I wish I would've paid more attention to what my teachers had to say.