my advice for myself as a high school senoir will be to choose my classes wisely, get a G.P.A of 4.0 and higher for better chances of great scholarships or getting a full scholarship; get as much help as posibble from teachers especailly my very hardest A.P. class, learn to study well and a lot more because college is not a joke. College students need to spend time studying almost all the time for all their classes or major classes because they get tougher from freshman to senoir year. I should spend more time learning how to study better even though the way i used to study worked very well through out my years in high school. Also i should spend time applying for scholarships even when i know that I'm graduating and the scholarships extended to the summer. More time in studying, gets me a better G.P.A and better chances of getting good scholarships to help fund for my college education. This would be the advice i would give to myself.
Right now you are probably more concerned with your upcoming road trip and dates with that cute boy you met at your cousin’s wedding, but check it out. You are soon to enter a whole new world (kind of like Aladdin & Jasmine). Take everything the future has to offer, experience as much as possible. There will be moments in which you want to give up, pack your things and run back to mom & dad (hard to believe, I know) but stick to it, you can are strong enough. You’ll learn the friends you make in college will stick with you in life, the classes you struggle with will likely be the most memorable and the dining center food isn’t all that bad!
You’ll learn that life happens all too quickly and you wish you could go back to not worrying about a job and mortgages and car payments and keeping food in the cupboards. Take my advice. Be nice to the guy that delivers your Pita Pit at 2:37am on a Wednesday because you are still awake writing a paper for your class that starts at 9. You can do this!
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself two things. The first thing being is college is not as bad as you thought it was going to be. I mean you have to study a lot harder than what you did in high school but its not bad. The second thing is to take in more things that you have learned in high school and just apply it to what you are going to learn in college. the reason for that is because in ur first semester you basically relearn what you have already learned, like your math, english, and say you took a class for your major in hiogh school and you retake it again in college just remember what you have learned in high school and apply it to your college course. These are the two things i would tell myself if i could go back in time.
If could go back in time and have a conversation with myself, I would tell myself not to sweat it so much. The college experience is a big change, but not so much that you have to rush over it and miss the last part of your senior year in high school. I'd also tell myself to take it easy and not to over think about which college would want to get into or apply to because essentially they all can benift my acedemics.
The one bit of advice I would give myself would be to TAKE HIGH SCHOOL SERIOUSLY! Personally I don't have to much trouble learning new concepts and ideas, and applying them, but if I had known that I would be seeing the physical sciences again in college, I most definitley would have committed myself to learning and understanding them in high school. It would have made things much easier at the university level to already have a true understanding of higher order mathematics and science since these are the main subjects I find myself having to learn now. If I had taken high school seriously I already would have established strong study habits too, as opposed to building them after I entered college. It turns out that all the stuff I thought was being crammed down my throat actually was worth a little bit more time and effort.
College credits are important for the completion of my college career. I would have told myself to do much better in my classes so that i would be able to move up in some of them because my school, Pittsburgh Central Catholic, offers college level courses and would have counted as college credit. Successful completion of those classes would have allowed me to earn my bachelors degree at a quicker rate so to not waste time. Furthermore, I would have been able to take more advanced classes when I got to college which in turn could result in a higher number of credits.
Self, it's imparative that you read more to improve your comprehension skills. Take the SAT and ACT, ask questions about assignments you don't understand. Learn how to navigate the library. Stop feeling intimidated to ask questions. Save money when you get your first job and attend one class at a time while supporting yourself.
Three advice that I would give myself if I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior are not to get influenced by my peers, be productive with my time, and know the reason why your in college. My first year at Pitt Titusville was a life changing experience due to all the things that my peers were trying to influence me on doing such as, drinking and partying every night. Second, one thing that many of my peers including myself had a difficult time with was time management. Yes, you are in college and you want to have fun, but you have to be able to manage your school work and fun at the same time. Third, you must know what you want to accomplish in life and why your parents are paying thousands of dollars for you to be in school. Many people come to college and try to live the college life (fun life, independent life) but don't put much work on their education and dream. Finally, get involved in your school like I did, it could be joining SGA, intramurals sports, honor societies and etc.
Working hard throughout high school years really pays off during college. The students that slacked off in high school don’t have the basics of knowledge to keep up with college courses. College classes are more serious, but it is an individual’s choice whether he or she wants to attend class. There are no more parents telling saying you have get up and attend school in the morning so try to train yourself before you are on your own. Professors don’t care if you come to class or not because either way they still get a paycheck. Be respectful towards everyone no matter if they’re your friends or not. Don’t play with any drama because that makes you a low person. If people are rude and mean to you, just take the high road and stay away from them.
If I could go back in time and give myself a little advice about starting college, I would definitely tell myself to just calm down. I am a worrier and I freak myself out over everything. I was so scared of coming to college and beginning the next chapter in my life. Knowing now how easy the transition was and how everyone at school is so nice and how easy it was to become friends with everyone and create such amazingly close with everyone at school, I know how silly it was for me to be as afraid and as worried as I was. I would tell myself that you’re going to love college and the adorable campus will be just like home and your peers and the friends you make will become your second family. You have nothing to worry about. Just take a breath, calm down, and enjoy the ride.