Education is extremely important to me and always has been. I've made great efforts to gain knowledge about the medical field in order to prepare myself for my career.
My dream of working in the medical field has been my number one goal since childhood. My career goals have always been the driving force in my decisions regarding my future.
Even after I get my degree as a Respiratory Therapist, I feel that goals will continue to motivate me. With my goals driving me, I don't think there is anything I cannot accomplish!
Receiving this scholarship will help me to accomplish the goal I've set for myself. Because I'm not financially blessed I will need to receive help from as many avenues as possible. I am hopeful that you will feel I am deserving enough for the help you are providing.
Misty D. Caldwell
My experience so far is so valuable to me. I have really learned a lot about the journalism field and I was able to apply what I learned to a job I held this winter. I saw firsthand what my teachers were telling me in the classroom.
The most important thing I have gotten out of my college experience so far is myself. College has taught me who am I, and how important it is to keep to my beliefs and not compromise myself. I think I used to struggle with being myself, but attending college has allowed me to see how important that is. It has been incredibly valuable for me to attend college because I now have more confidence and I'm not afraid to be myself.
I have always dreamed of going to college. I never considered any other option. I know that if I work hard at school that it will pay off later down the road. Even though I was not keen on going to a community college at first I actually quite enjoyed it. I learned a lot of information from my professors and met many nice people. I am a very shy person and I was able to become more confident and open when I went to college. It helped me take another step into my adult future, which can be scary sometimes. I learned that college was not as scary as I thought it was going to be and that if I work hard everything will work out. I love going to class and learning information everyday. I feel smart and I feel that I am doing something great with my life. I cannot imagine not going to college. Having a degree from any college offers you many more opportunities that just a regular high school diploma or GED. Watching other parents coming back to college made me realize that going directly from high school to college was a smart choice.
my first year in college i had the mentality of fun and games, so did not put much effort in school and my classes. then, i realized that working at a pizza parlor was not going to get me far, so i decided and made a goal to get my AA in criminal justice. i have always enjoyed law enforcement and helping improve the community. one major thing that inspired me to become a probation officer was to witness my older brother take advantange of his probation officer, and well to actually not take his probation officer serious. all of this has to do how lenient and unconsistent the probation officer was. so i thought to myself that i want to become a probation officer and do all that is in my power to help people in desperate need to keep away from drugs and alcohol. i have learned so much throughout my years in college, in regards to law and life in general. education is not only necessary but worth it because you become someone in life and can help yourself and others .
During my first year at college, I have learned that my future is in my own hands. How I handle my daily responsibilities is up to me and I will have to face consequences for my decisions in life. Being away at college has taught me how to be more responsible and to appreciate all that my parents have done for me throughout my life up to this point. Along with a wonderful education, I am also living my dream of playing college soccer. That has been something I have dreamed about since I was 8 years old. I have formed friendships that I know will last a lifetime and that in itself is a valuable learning experience. I have learned that there are people in this world willing to help you and to take advantage of all opportunities that are offered to you. I have been given an opportunity to attend The University of Scranton and look forward to my next 3 years there to continue my education.
Hey Morgan! I know you think college is all about socializing and having fun, but it?s also tons of hard work. Yeah I know you have heard this speech before but not from me and who knows you better than I do? You say you will be different then, that you will work harder and do what you need to do. It?s not that simple. There will be a million distractions around (boys). You are going to be living with your friends and there will always be something more exciting (college boys) than the chapter of biology waiting to be read. Yep I know how much you love hanging out with the guys, but they are not going to help you reach your dreams. You cannot afford to skip the assigned reading, or skip classes (and no sleeping in the back does not count as going), and then just quickly glance over your incomplete notes moments before the exam. I know it works now, but it won?t then. Trust me I tried. My advice have study sessions with your friends, then go to the library and by yourself, and actually study without the gossiping and boys.
We are what we choose to become, it really is that easy. It actually starts from the moment you walked out of the classroom in your senior year and continues on throughout life. With focus on completing the steps towards obtaining my degree; I must realize it is something I have sole control over in my life. Once I have a belief, it should held on to it for dear life, and there will always be things that are encounter along the way. Though knowledge is what seperates everyone though its also what brings us closer together! These ideas could be a small change to an exsisting item, or something thats still is in the dream process. We all will format our ideas; that we believe could make the world a better place, though the majority that hold a particular degree are first heard and primarily are the one's whose idea's are chosen. At least once in our life we'll all label something in our mind and then make a decision about it. But, with the right source of education and thinking skills, I will soon be prepared to make those choices and get my voice heard.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell him many things to improve his college life. First I would tell myself to go for as many scholarships as possible. I realize now that college is not cheap and the scholarships would be very helpful when it comes time to pay for school. The second piece of advice I would give to myself is to go to the writing center. The writing center is so useful when I need help writing an essays and papers. The final piece of advice I would give myself is to not procrastinate After a while all the work will become overwhelming and your grades will suffer.
I would tell myself to look more into colleges earlier on instead of waiting until last second and to take the search more seriously. To look more into the academics and financial aid packages of the schools and to actually visit more than 4 schools. I would also tell myself to look in to financial aid more because it is costly to attend a good university and to also do work study, because every little bit helps.